I slept with, over the course of 2.5 months, a gal who was in a steady relationship with another guy. She originally played it off like he was on the outs. But as time grew on, I began to wonder. Not to the point where I inquired too hard, or cared too much.
When we were spotted at a mall by a lady she knew, she asked "Is this your boyfriend?" She kind of froze, and very slowly and reluctantly said yes. She would sometimes comment that when she'd go on dates with him she would always just think about me.
I knew she was a bit emotionally unstable, that she was a bit depressed and looking for a guy to fill it. And I suppose I took a bit of physical advantage of that, even though it was mostly subconsciously.
On Feb. 13th (Valentine's eve) she broke the news to me that she just got engaged. She felt pretty bad about it, because that's when I couldn't push away the truth that I knew all along: I was the "other guy" and there was no "outs" with the first one. I wasn't sure what to think or feel. Relief? Sorrow?
She offered me (what I assume was) a pity f***. I actually turned it down. Part of this confession is that I sort of wish I hadn't.
I went to her wedding. I didn't stay long. Just long enough to say grats. Didn't really look the groom in the eye much.
6 months later she gave me a call, which I was kind of expecting... knowing her emotional state and that marriage wasn't going to solve it (a common thing in Utah with young people... marriage is built up to be super wonderful and the fixer of all problems, and then reality hits). But I didn't really have time to talk. Part of the confession is that I was busy playing City of Heroes and didn't want to be bothered by a gal who dumped me right before valentine's.
The other part of the confession is that I never heard from her again, and to this day I sometimes wonder about her.... and even check old obituaries.
_________________ Les Zombis et les Loups-Garous!