The Glade 4.0

Traveling to Europe
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Author:  Lenas [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Traveling to Europe

I know a lot of people here have done it and I'm clueless.

Looking to save money from April to July, hoping to be able to plan a 10-day trip for August.

Not final on where we'd like to stay, but my gf has it in her head that she'd like to stay in Belgium and use it as some sort of hub to London, Paris and Amsterdam. Is this feasible? Would it be smart to even book a hotel in one place for the 10 days, or what?

How much of a hindrance is it, not knowing a local language?

How much money would be a good amount to save toward this? Include all expenses.

Advice appreciated.

Author:  Lex Luthor [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm going to Wales in one week. Yay.

Anyways, English is used more than Dutch in Amsterdam. I'm not so sure about her single hotel idea. I would rather book separate hotels in each place. That way you don't have to keep travelling back and forth to Belgium. Also the vast majority of people would book separate hotels, which gives credence to this being the best option.

Author:  Elmarnieh [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Not knowing local language = not bad, Its hard to find a European in a major city who doesn't know some English. Especially in places around tourist areas most shops and hotels will speak English.

Depends what you want to do but I'd say a 10 day trip travelin in Europe a safe zone is 10,000 bucks. This depends on where you like to stay, what you like to eat, what you like to do. (hostels vs Friends VS 4 class hotels make a big difference)

International train passes are cheap and a great way to travel within Europe while meeting new people.

I wouldn't worry about booking one place for 10 days, it should be easy enough to find over night or two day accomidations in other places you are visiting. Although I wouldn't do less than three days in Paris (greatly depending on what you want to see) or the whole city will seem like a blur when you get back.

Author:  Lex Luthor [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Also... having been to London and Amsterdam... I would skip London and spend all that time in Amsterdam. In fact I would refuse to go on a trip with someone who would spend time in London over Amsterdam. :P

Author:  Rodahn [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

As already mentioned, prepare to drop some big money. The Euro > The Dollar at the moment. Technically speaking you can go budget in Europe just as you can in the States, but really . . . that's a vacation of a lifetime -- treat yourselves to something better. As for specific amount (not including air fare) I'd say at least $5k.

I would say 10 days is the MINIMAL amount of time to fully appreciate somewhere in Europe. Since you are planning to hit several locations, 2-3 days in each are plenty if you plan to hit major tourist areas. If you want to go "off the beaten track," you'll need at least two weeks.

Also as already stated, many Europeans in major cities/tourist locations speak English (or a close approximation of it).

Author:  Loki [ Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Traveling to Europe

Stay in each spot as you're there, will make things a whole lot easier. Also, I hear that the train passes aren't that expensive.

Language shouldn't be too much of a barrier, depending upon where you go. Everyone I met in Amsterdam spoke English fairly well, and the few that didn't knew enough German that we could figure out was going on. If you make it to Germany, pretty much everyone there speaks English.

I don't know what your expenses will be; I was in Germany as a student and tried to live frugally. If you're looking to save money, try buying some basics at the local grocery stores and pack sammiches or something. Also, depending on the local laws, getting delicious beer is insanely cheap this way! Otherwise, meals can be fairly expensive if you eat out for every one. The food will be tasty if you go that route though.

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