When I've bartered in the past, and it has been awhile since I've done it, it was done with a handshake and trusting each other's word. Of course most of it was done with people I already knew and trusted. It is easiest when it is just a material exchange. You look at what he has, he looks at what you have and you decide if the deal is good. When you are exchanging stuff for services you have to decide how much service an object is worth. For guitar lessons, talk it over with the teacher. How many lessons is the guitar worth to you. What are the length of the lessons. What type of material will the lessons cover. What happens if you miss a scheduled lesson for some reason, i.e. illness, unexpected mandatory overtime, an accident? When do you turn the guitar over to the teacher?
Good luck,
_________________ The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. B. Franklin
"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone." -- Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones