Micheal wrote:
I'll ask have you tried to resolve that with YouTube yet?
I just purged all *.youtube.com cookies and logged back in. That sorted it out, but I don't know specifically which errant bit got flipped since I took the shotgun approach. It didn't just affect the recommended video feed, either. The UI itself was in English, but other odd bits -- like all of the description text for
Google Rewind -- were in Arabic, too.
My best guess is that they had some bad info temporarily slip in to their geoIP database. But if that was the case, it's odd that id didn't change my UI language. i don't know; there's a lot of weird things about my main YouTube account. For instance, it seems to be permanently stuck on the old YouTube layout. A lot of people would kill for that problem, but I'm not that particular about the layout, so it's actually kind of annoying.