The Glade 4.0

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Author:  Numbuk [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Healing

I hit a point with my rogue where I am happy with his damage output, so I decided to take on a new challenge.

I have a level 80 enhance shaman (named Numbuk, actually) that I haven't played since Naxx was the top 80 dungeon. I decided to make one of his specs a resto spec and give healing a try.

I've never healed before in my life. I will say that jumping in at level 80 was a little intimidating, especially when all of your gear is melee-based (I was building an elemental spec, but it wasn't that great and a lot of it had +hit).

Healers, I have a newfound respect for you.

I am actually enjoying it quite a bit. Just over the weekend, I got the hang of it enough that I think I'd be comfortable healing a 10m ICC. I am also enjoying how fast it is to queue for random dungeons. That, combined with the 4.01 changes, it's a little sad to see how easy it is to get geared. In just two days, I bought *two* T10 pieces and a frost-badge relic slot item. Sheesh!

I am also enjoying my political power-shift in pugs. As a DPSer, you don't want to start any crap or attempt to put a jerkwad in his place. If you do, you risk being booted and have to wait in another 30 minute queue. Best to just suck it up and deal. But now as a healer, things have changed. I don't take crap from those 13 year-old (mentally or physically) know-it-all tanks. Yes, tank, the DPSers are your *****. But you, Mr. Tank, are *my* *****. In the words of Mr. Rogers, "It's such a good feeling..."

Author:  Aizle [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Glad you're having fun healing.

However, everyone is the Tank's *****. :twisted:

Tanks have, by at least a factor of 20, the fastest queues. I can count on one hand the number of times that I've waited longer than 5 seconds for the queue to pop when I tank. And those times it was 10-15 seconds!

Author:  Numbuk [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Healing

Not true. While tanks are in demand, the tank is still the healer's *****. The tank determines when the DPS can engage a mob. But the healer determines when the tank goes. If the tank just decides to go whenever he damn well pleases, and isn't paying attention if the healer isn't ready or the healer needs to drink up, it's the tank's own damn fault when he dies and then ***** and moans. The healer is the true pace-setter.

No, the ***** hierarchy goes like this: healer > tank > dps.

Just because there are less of them does not make them unbitchable.

And this is coming from a guy who was originally a tank for multiple MMOs (I tanked molten core when it was the end-content too). Trust me, tanks are the healers' *****.

Author:  Uinan [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Who does the rest of the group get furious at when they see the Tank doing their job and the healer doesn't do theirs? DPS do not take kindly to wiping over a power struggle. The vote to kick can follow quickly there after.

May not be the most logical thinking, but I've seen it play out that way before.

Author:  Sam [ Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Healing

In most PuGs, the healers are the ones with the most stress, because most tanks don't consider before pulling....even when they say "OOM" the tank just keeps on pulling until the group wipes.

Now, you can say that the healer dictates this or that, but in PuG life, not true. The tank always determines the pace and pull.......successful or not.

Healing is a thankless, stress filled, horrible job in the PuG world.

Author:  Dalantia [ Tue Oct 26, 2010 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

As a paladin, I can tank most heroics without a healer. Or a DPS can toss me a smaller heal or two while I get my Holy Power up to speed.

Just FYI.

Honestly, no class is entitled to an attitude, regardless of role.

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