The Glade 4.0

Quick Melee Guide to ToC
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Author:  Müs [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Quick Melee Guide to ToC

uick Guide to ToC for Melee DPS.

1. Northrend Beasts
Before A. Don't stand too close before the tank agros him. He will one shot you. Unless you hate the fight, and there are no brezs available for epic failures of DPS classes.
A) Gormok. Beat the snot out of him. Don't worry overmuch about the stun, its pretty harmless.
B) Not one but TWO Worms. Depending on the group, you may do one at a time, or both at once. We've always done one at a time. Beat up one, then the other. Don't stand in the green ****. Don't stand in front of them. If you get the green **** on you, go stand by the guy with the red **** on him. Just for a tick though. The red **** hurts. If you get the red **** on you, go stand next to the tank if he has the green **** on him. Again, just for a tick. Killing the tank with red **** is frowned upon.
C) Icehowl. He should be tanked next to a wall. You should DPS with your back against said wall. Every once in a while, he'll jump to the center and fling every one against the walls. He looks at someone, then charges that person. If he tramples someone, he enrages for massive damage. If he looks at you run AWAY. If he's not looking at you, and you're not in his path, stay away, but be close to get in and whoop his ***.


2. Jaraxxus the Gnome Slayer
A)Wilfred Fizzlebang. Don't worry about this little tool, Jaraxxus will kill him for you.
B) Jaraxxus, Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion. Beat him up. You may be on dispel duty if you can do that. He has a buff that makes his fireballs huge.
C) Mistress of Pain (AKA The Dirty Whore) Every few minutes, Jaraxxus gets tired of being beaten up by a bunch of smelly adventurers, and opens a gate to let his sister in so we can beat in her instead. Get ready to switch targets, but wait until the Dirty Whore actually comes through. The gate has an AE that goes off when she comes in. Burn her skanky *** down, and get back to beating Jaraxxus.
D) Infernal volcanos. After we beat up his sister, he summons some volcano things that summon some infernals. They'll turn into a ball and fly around and blow up. Let the ranged DPS handle them, they have a PBAE (the infernals, not the ranged DPSers.). It sucks.


3. Faction Champions.
A) Make sure the kids aren't around.
B) Swear a lot. Run around a lot while CC'd.
C) Loot.

4. The Twins.
A) Grab the opposite color from the one you'll be DPSing.
B) Every once in a while, balls will come from the walls. If you can, grab ones that match the color you picked. Don't really go out of your way to do so though. That's what Ranged DPS are for.
C) They will do a special ability. Sometimes one skanky flying ho will shield the other skanky flying ho and then try to heal them both for 20% of their health. This is annoying to say the least. Beat the snot out of the one that's shielded. Then interrupt the cast any way you can.
D) They have another special ability that may require you to change color. If you don't, you will die. If you have to change color, go beat on the other twin. Don't worry about changing back. Just keep the beating going on the other flying ho.
E) Loot.

5) Anub'Arak
A) Phase 1 Beat his ***. When the other bug guys come up, wait till assist is called, then beat their ***.
B) He'll go under the ground and chase people. Finish beating his buddies up, and if he chases you, make him path through one of the patches of ice on the ground. If he's not chasing you, stay away from the spikes and beat up his other little bug buddies. If he chases you, don't drag him through the raid. That's just bad manners.
C) Repeat A.
D) Phase 3. Beat his *** more. As hard as you can. Yes. Harder than that. Lay into him like he's Angelina Jolie and you're Billy Bob Thornton.
E) Loot.

Author:  Monte [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I would add to Faction Champs -=

1) Use all your tools. Cleanse, snares, roots, CC, CC breakers, dispells, etc
2) If the arms warrior is up, he dies before anyone else.
3) If the Rogue is up, he dies before anyone else but the warrior.
4) Purge HoT spells if the druid is up
5) Kite the death Knight
6) Be careful when you use your cooldowns. As a ret paladin, I have had my bubble popped while under Divine Sacrifice. It was cute.

Author:  Müs [ Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you're doing ToGC(10)

1. If you don't have a priest, get one.

Author:  Aizle [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:15 am ]
Post subject: 

If you stand at max melee range on Icehowl, you won't get knocked back when he does his melee aoe.

Author:  Müs [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re:

Aizle wrote:
If you stand at max melee range on Icehowl, you won't get knocked back when he does his melee aoe.

True. But its easier to beat on him with your back against a wall. Esp if the tank wiggles him around a bit.

Author:  Aizle [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Re:

Müs wrote:
Aizle wrote:
If you stand at max melee range on Icehowl, you won't get knocked back when he does his melee aoe.

True. But its easier to beat on him with your back against a wall. Esp if the tank wiggles him around a bit.

Eh, a little work is worth the extra dps IMHO.

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