The Glade 4.0

British style government vs American style government
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Author:  Jhorra [ Wed May 12, 2010 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  British style government vs American style government

I've been real interested in the UK elections going on right now, and it got me thinking about the differences between a parliament style government and ours. It seems like most new governments/nations that have been put in place recently all use a parliamentary style government, Afghan, Iraq. What do you guys think the pros and cons are and why have all the recent ones been those types of governments?

Author:  Diamondeye [ Wed May 12, 2010 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: British style government vs American style government

Jhorra wrote:
I've been real interested in the UK elections going on right now, and it got me thinking about the differences between a parliament style government and ours. It seems like most new governments/nations that have been put in place recently all use a parliamentary style government, Afghan, Iraq. What do you guys think the pros and cons are and why have all the recent ones been those types of governments?

Parlimentary Soveriegnty FTL.

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