The Glade 4.0

Politics Are A Funny Animal
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Author:  Jasmy [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Politics Are A Funny Animal

Don't mind my rambling...I'm sitting here in a vicodin + merlot induced state of euphoria enjoying a lack of pain and just wanting to say a few things that are on my mind before I collapse into bed and enjoy another night of wondrous sleep and crazy dreams. : :P

First off, let me say that I've lived with the man who is my husband for 31 years...we have been married for 30 of those years. For the better part of those years he and I were very close politically, ie: very liberal. Over the years I've been sliding further from the liberal platform to a more not neccessarily conservative side, but something close to that. Lately, when we are sitting on the patio having drinks and talking and that talk turns to politics, some of you would love to be the fly on the wall I'm sure. :p When it gets too hot and heavy one or both of us just hold up our hands and say enough! because we just don't agree any more on most subjects.

He told me something today on the way to Lowes that I found to be rather funny. A couple of years ago he was at his younger brother's house for Super Bowl. Present were my hubby, his younger brother, his wife and her brother and sister in law...all very liberal. When the discussion turned to politics, as is proper for a Murphy household, my hubby finally said "I never expected to be the most conservative person in the room". I'm about to face a similar situation Monday night when his older brother comes to spend the night. I can expect a few "Oh come on <insert my name>" tomorrow night, because of our differences. Political persuasions can and do change. Sometimes it takes a while. I guess my bottom line is, why can't we all just discuss instead of accuse...why can't we just agree to disagree instead of going to extremes all of the time?

Like I said earlier, these are just my ramblings in a vicodin + merlot state, but I hope some of you might take something from what I've said...even if it's just to say don't mix drugs with alcohol! :lol:

Anyway, ramblings off, I'm going to bed.

/hugs to all

Be safe and have fun!

Author:  Rynar [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Great post, Jas. Family gatherings are much the same for me, as we have very opinionated folks from every part of the spectrum, and we always make sure to keep the wine flowing.

Author:  Arathain Kelvar [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Problem is, you can have a room full of 20 people with a wide range of political viewpoints, discussing it and having an interesting conversation, and it only takes one jackass who cannot tolerate other opinions to set everyone off and ruin the discussion.

Author:  Elmarnieh [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

We should be able to simply disagree but where politics is concerned inherent in that system of politics is the use of force. Since people always like to get their way - appealing to that force is a great way to make everyone else behave like you think they should - regardless of their feelings of rights.

Thus since politics is force political discussion is assumed to be a discussion about what we should be able to MAKE people do or not do. Since people don't like being made to do or prevented from doing things they want to - when you disagree its seen as you acting to force them to do something different.

Yes even if you're arguing for them to not use force on people they view it as you forcing them to not use force on people.

In other words humans are stupid.

Author:  Amanar [ Wed Oct 17, 2012 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion is a very interesting book dealing with this kind of subject. It's written by a former professor of mine. I'm a little less than halfway through it, so I feel a little weird recommending it without having finished, but I think you'd be interested in it Jasmy if you want to know "why can't we just agree to disagree instead of going to extremes all of the time?" Also, I found a free introductory chapter online.

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