FarSky wrote:
Kirra wrote:
Isn't all corn sweet? I have never heard of sweet corn, in particular....and grilling corn?? Hmmm never tried corn that way either. Does it make it taste different if you grill as opposed to boiling it?
Yes, very much so. I greatly prefer boiled corn on the cob to grilled.
And don't even mention the evil that is creamed corn. Gag gag gag.
Actually, creamed corn and crispy fried potatoes is pretty good. Something from my childhood. But it has little to do with real corn on the cob.
Rorinthas wrote:
Aethien wrote:
Which state, if I may ask?
I'm a Wisconsin sweet corn guy, myself, but I realize that other states turn out a good ear, too. New Jersey, for example, and that always surprises people. Just curious.
Field to table in three hours, if you're lucky.
OK, Ohio's not the first state that comes to mind, but I could see it.
I'll take boiled corn, if it's really fresh, and not overboiled, I guess. I dunno, been so long since I've actually put corn into boiling water, myself, that I've forgotten many of the peculiarities. But taking a camp stove out to the field and bending the stalk over sounds fun, that's all.
But, yes, Kirra, grilling is the best method, if you ask me. And, none of this husking it and rolling it in foil, or just throwing it on the grill unhusked. I hate when I go to the store and they have a garbage can there for all the know-nothing noobs who husk their corn right there. Or, worse, if they've peeled all the ears trying to figure out if they're good or not. Grrr.
The optimal method, if it's not three-hours fresh, is to leave the corn in the husk. Soak it in water for an hour or two, then put it on the grill. I sometimes tear the silk off by this time, but it doesn't matter. Turn the corn often, and once it starts getting a bit charred on all sides, it's done. It can take 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the temperature of your grill (I only use coals, so it's kind of an art, but you'll get the hang of it).
Take the corn off, burn your fingers while peeling back the husks, and butter and salt the hell out of it. Use the husk as a holder.
Cripes, this is making me hungry.