DFK! wrote:
Lenas wrote:
I realize the movie wasn't about what happened, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to know.
My impression was nuclear war between countries, most likely along religious lines, such as the US and Iran or something.
From the scenes where Eli talks about the war and the times just after it, something happens to the atmosphere, enabling the sun to "burn everything"...and Eli asks Solara's mom if she was blind before the war, or if sun exposure did it. Plus, Eli also says that people had to "hole up for a year" in shelters before they could go back outside. IIRC, nuclear winter would likely last longer...and effectively block out harmful solar radiation that requires people to wear sunglasses outside.
But no mention is made of radiation whatsoever. Considering large cities such as San Francisco would be certain to be pasted with nukes, the SF skyline sure seems rather intact for a nuclear war. But then there are also a couple of shots showing large craters, so it's still a bit vague. Perhaps a limited nuclear exchange with weapons that adversely effected the ozone layer?