some other little things, in no particular order:
They recently must have buffed the rate that Aspect runes (red) appear in the world. They used to be very rare, but in the last week all of a sudden I'm finding them just as often as green or blue.
I'm not a huge fan of the Fighter's Guild questline. It's not a bad questline in and of itself, but it seems like it should have been one for a temple faction or something like that, as do the Fighter's Guild abilities.
There is a very sudden change in leveling pace at level 7. To get from level 7 to 8 is much, much slower than the previous leveling, which is quite quick. It seems to stay slow (relative to the level you're at) till about level 15 or a little before. After that, the pace is slow, but steady and satisfying, at least up to the high 20s.
Skill lines also have an abrupt dropoff in acquiring new skills in them. I got the first 3 abilities in each line pretty quickly, the 4th seems to take much long, and 5th longer still.
Deconstructing items takes no skill points in crafting, raises crafting skill pretty rapidly, and yields items needed for improvement of existing items. Therefore, even if you don't craft it's a good idea to deconstruct to get the stuff you need to improve your gear.
_________________ "Hysterical children shrieking about right-wing anything need to go sit in the corner and be quiet while the adults are talking."