So given the amount of driving I'm doing, I've been listing to a number of gaming podcasts. (And even started publishing my own) Figured I'd give some reviews of what I've found so far.
Critical Hit one of the longest running podcasts(almost 4.5 years), they release weekly on a regular schedule, which they actually keep, which is nice, with a consistent cast and a talented GM. Well Edited, and generally high audio quality. Cast is funny and memorable characters do help keep this one alive despite my distaste for the system. (D&D 4.0).
Porcelain Llama Theater
They switch games a great deal using FATE, Wushu and a number of other systems, but and their audio quality is not the greatest (nearly all players play via Skype) but particularly the Machines of Loving Grace series is AWESOME. How many Players/GMs would have the guts to do a Andromeda Strain style campaign with some serious science in it? Memorable voices and a good mix between humor and drama, its very memorable. (Then again Monkey Robots on Ice (Wushu) was about the funniest damn RP session I've heard.
Happy Jacks RPG Actual Play great cast, but some of the systems they use don't interest me at all. (Legend of the 5 Rings for example) Still, I loved their Ghostbusters LA meets Cthulhu one-shot.
Monkeys Took My Jetpack
Still working on this one. No review as of yet, sadly. Shares some of the cast with Porcelain Llama, which is where I heard about it.
Falling Star
http://swfallingstar.podbean.comThis one is mine, though still in its infancy. Still working out the audio quality kinks, may end up going to a 2 microphone solution, scheduling conflicts may kill us. I was hoping to avoid having skype players but finding 5-6 people who can match my schedule is proving hard.
Another eclectic group of games played. Quality varies and I've had trouble getting into their games (partially because its poorly indexed, so hard to follow one particular campaign) I'm also less familiar with some of the games (Pathfinder I can at least follow, but Traveller, Savage Worlds, Call of Cthulhu, GRUPS are all systems they've used that I really have no clue on)