Kaffis Mark V wrote:
As assholish as the move is, I have a hard time feeling sorry for console gamers losing their second-hand game market.
Care to explain?
The moment we buy an EA game in the near future, it's value goes from $60 to $30ish. We aren't talking Gamestop trade-in $30ish. We're talking real, actual value, $30ish. Used copies of new games have routinely went from $40-48 on eBay in the past. Devaluing the game to $30 is a big hit for console gamers, considering they're the ones that support the frickin' industry. I know it's an effort for these companies to scrap some money off the surface, taking it out of Gamestop's pockets, but it's really going to ultimately be passed on to the consumer. Why again is the consumer getting screwed over a good thing here? The only positive I see here is that games will now be much cheaper used, so if you don't play online, you'll get a pretty good deal.
I do have a workaround for this assholeish move, which I think will work perfectly fine until every single game is like this, causing retail stores to create new policies for video games. Most retail stores won't give you your money back for an opened digital item, but they will exchange it for a new copy of the same item if you claim there's something wrong with it. With video games, you can say it was a glitch or some crap, cop an attitude, demanding to exchange it for a different copy of the same game. Most all retail stores will honor this dispute. Just like that, you've gained that $5-10 right back from EA by getting a new code with the new copy of the game. Sure, it's equally assholeish, but if they're going to circumvent the system with a new code process, why not have us consumers circumvent it as well by bringing back our used copies of the games in exchange for new ones? There's no way they can flat out afford to tell customers to screw off and to go back home with their "dysfunctional" game. The customer is always right, as they say. As long as there's a "dirty disc error" on consoles, people deserve the right to bring back games in exchange for new ones.