Step 1: Make kobold
Step 7: Cause mayhem in the human town of West Boondocksville
Step 3: Kidnap babies
Step 4: Die a Kobold Horrible Death
Step 9: Make a new kobold
Step 3: Eat each other
Step 8: Make new kobolds
Step 12: Earn victory points
Step 6: Die another Kobold Horrible Death
Step 5: Make another new kobold
Step 2: Win!
Basically, any task will have a difficulty, which is the number of dice you will roll on a random number generator. You're trying to roll below a particular trait of yours. So if you want to hit something, say a chicken, and it's a difficulty of 4, you roll 4 dice and try to get below your Brawn. Now, aside from killing and eating, kobolds only know how to do four things (one per attribute). For example, only kobolds who have taken the hide skill know how to hide. Lift allows you to carry one extra item over your maximum of two (kobolds may ordinarily only carry one item per paw). Lackey allows you to cast kobold magick. Bard allows you to lie, etc.
Any time you fail a skill roll, you earn a Kobold Horrible Death Check. Every time you earn a Kobold Horrible Death Check, your lucky little kobold wins a chance to die a Kobold Horrible Death!
Each turn, kobolds are able to move (based on their Extraneous attribute) and perform actions. The objective is to earn bring babies back to the kobold caves. (I will have a hex map of West Boondocksville posted for reference).
A secondary objective is to earn victory points, which may be used to buy things and upgrade your kobold, or hoarded to win the game. At the end of a session, the player with the most victory points reserves the right to laugh in the faces of all of the other players. Victory points may be earned in a variety of ways such as:
Bringing a baby to the kobold caves
Killing a kobold (the mayor gets to earn victory points for this, too!)
Killing critters and townsfolk
Cooking a recipe
Random kobold acts of mayhem.