FarSky wrote:
Wait...I'm legitimately confused here. If anything, I'm encouraging it (I...guess?). All I'm saying is that Microsoft can still foster its desired digital eco...er, sales outlet with little to no trouble, even after today's reversal.
First, I'm sorry if I've misread your position on Microsoft in this run-up to the "Console Wars." Your position has appeared decidedly Pro-Sony to me of late. Mind you, however, I am mindful of my own extreme dislike of Sony Computer Entertainment International's business practices and copyright shenanigans. And I might still be bitter about the 60GB PS3 fiasco.
I don't disagree at a basic level. Microsoft can provide some of the innovations we need, but they have a bigger end-game in mind (I suspect). If the platform is solely the PC, Microsoft can no longer win. Despite their best efforts, Gabe Newell owns the PC gaming ecosystem (for better or worse). If the platform is your entire digital gadget set though, which includes your PC, then Microsoft can force a sea-change. There are elements of Microsoft's publishing structure and desires that fell away during the 360's years of dominance.
Having to keep up with Sony (perceptually), meant Microsoft couldn't punt on **** it didn't want published. Even then, though, MOST XBLA games have a higher production quality requirement the PC Indie set. Unfortunately, Microsoft still can't court a few of the more effervescent Indie developers.
FarSky wrote:
As for accessing the same license across different platforms, isn't Steam already doing that with Sony?
Somewhat, and that was largely made possible by Valve's latest proof-of-concept initiative: Steam on Linux. There's also some other stuff afoot there that challenges basic assumptions most large developers and publishing houses have going on in the United States and western-centric markets. To some degree, those of us in America should be extremely thankful for Japanese and Korean video game developers for keeping OpenGL relevant during the previous decade.
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.