Kaffis Mark V wrote:
Your assessment of "will you buy it" is why I didn't bother, either.
And I didn't finish the Zerg campaign because even Kerrigan can't make me care enough about the story to actually play Zerg for twenty-some missions or whatever.
And I've never cared about *any* of the Protoss characters.
So, there's your answer. They split up their story into "three" games, and I lost interest halfway through the second. Kind of the way it works out for popular book-to-movie franchises that want to milk an extra ticket or two out of fans, and unnecessarily split their single book source material into two or three movies of their own by deciding to give exactly zero **** about editing or, worse, adding their own material to a story they barely comprehend in the first place.
I had the same problem with the Zerg campaign, especially once Kerrigan re-zergified herself. I still need to finish it. I will probably get to this at some point.
Since I had bought both of the previous collector's editions I did try out PvP during beta; it did have some interesting changes - most notably that the stage of "you have 5 workers and a base and that's it" goes much, much faster due to added asssets, and of course the selection of new units.
I do like SC2 PVP every now and then but I'm not willing to practice the hours it would take to get above high silver-low gold. If I'm going to spend that kind of time playing I'll either play Skrim/Fallout where I can save what I've accomplished or play EVE.
Actually, these days its pretty much EVE. It's truly enjoyable to be part of the superpower coalition everyone rages against on reddit.