Screeling wrote:
I haven't played in high school, and honestly, I'm not interested in playing now. But for some reason I was thinking about the warrior mechanics in video games these days where warriors have some form of taunt to draw aggro. When I played D&D, there never was such a thing and I lost a lot of characters because of it. Does it now have such a mechanic that makes it a little safer for wizards?
For 4th edition, that is a solid yes. It is not a pure WoW taunt in that an enemy is forced to attack the tank. However, there are strong penalties and consequences if his attack doesn't include the tank.
Each of the tanking classes has their own flavor of taunt (or "mark" as it's called). The fighter for instance marks a target and if the target doesn't include the fighter in his attack, or if the target tries to flee (even safely) then the fighter gets to make a free and immediate attack against the target. The paladin's mark makes the target take divine damage if it's attack doesn't include the paladin. The mark fades if the paladin doesn't continue attacking the target on his turn, or end his turn adjacent to the target. There are other types of tanks with different types of marks as well. A swordmage can teleport to a marked enemy and attack it, if it attempts to attack someone else.
On top of this, whenever a target is marked it suffers a -2 penalty to hit when it's attack does not include the tank.
So, again, while it doesn't force the DM to attack the tank with his enemy unit, it certainly makes him think twice about attacking another character.