Sasandra wrote:
I don't know if i'd really like a truly non-linear RPG, even the Elder Scroll games seem to non-linear and I get bored with them quickly, as Lex said, it's like an MMO with no one else playing, though I do like the slightly less linear old school JRPG's, like FFI, or Dragon Quest/Warrior III, where overall it was linear but you could do some things out of order, like collecting the orbs in DQ3, newer JRPG's have gotten super linear in that there's no real world map, just world map sections that have a beginning and end with little deviation to the path, that I don't like, I miss real world maps.
Ditto, I loved exploring the maps. When I was a wee-bit Hopwin I used to take the game maps that once upon a time were provided with every game (/mourn) and put them up as posters. I prefer the idea of a fantasy world that I am a small part of rather than a movie that just happens to occur in a fantasy world.
I guess, without the ability to explore the game feels flat and uninvolving to me.
In comic strips the person on the left always speaks first. - George Carlin