The Glade 4.0

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Author:  Kaffis Mark V [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Watchdogs

Alright, this trailer made me sit up and take some notice. First off, it looks gorgeous, and the conversation with the contact in the middle of it was pretty fluidly animated, for a change. If only Deus Ex: Human Revolution could have pulled that off.

Secondly, I like the concept at play here. Has the potential to be a sort of gritty day after tomorrow level of near-plausibility that's always excited my cyberpunk sci-fi roots.

Edit: *ahem* it would help to get the gameplay trailer in here.

So, it's got my attention, and I'm not interested in seeing how it develops. Will it deliver the open-world, multiple solution sort of gameplay it's trying to imply? Not a friggin' clue, though this is the same development studio responsible for Assassin's Creeds and Splinter Cells, so maybe? If it can be 3/4s of what it appears it could be in that trailer, it'll definitely be worth playing, IMO.

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