Well as a die hard 40k/fantasy player it was a busy week+ with the new system. Lots of changes, with mixed results, but it will shake up the 5th edition mindset. I would recomend carefully reading the rules and not skimming, finding some interesting things like.
*it at the end of the turn one player has no models on the table they automatically loose* So your entire non drop pod, reserve list is a recepie for an auto Loss.
Fluff wise doom and danger and Grim/Dark is still on the horizon, blah blah blah, final age, emperor is dying/gasping trying to hold on. Supposidly humanity is on the edge of a huge psionic awakening, if humans can hold their **** together for this, they win a new golden age, if not, well the whole galaxy become the eye of terror. Chaos is again set up as the big bad of the edition (fitting as the are getting the first new book in a month or so).
Mechanics lots of change to most sections of the game. Movement stays relativly the same, everything else changes. Shooting seems to be >> then assault in this edition. I was doom/gloom over the prospect of allies but seeing how many of the worst possible combinations were Eratta'ed it does not seem so bad. I recomend looking up each armies FAQ/Errata for all the specific changes, helps cut down on "mistakes". (The majority of my gaming locals are fairly Win at All Cost players who specialize in selective ignorance it seems, so I have all the FAQ's printed and ready to go).
Vehicles got harder to stun, but easier to destroy (essentially glance to death), squadrons of vehicles got better. Flyers are better then all, Flying monsters wish they were real flyers. Terminator armour is king, Hail to the king! Power weapons got broken into AP(armour pen) types, the common ones are AP 3, meaning Terminators get their full save.
Changes per army impressions. (quick impressions)
Daemon's of Chaos: Slight buff over all, improved Deep strike table is a boon, fear is back baby! Not too much of a power shift (very little experience with deamons.)
Dark Angels: Death wing is now really really good. Grab some IG allies for flyers and you are golden.
Chaos Marines: Mild improvement, some big nerfs. Almost unfair to judge it as the new codex is comming out in a month or so.
Blood Angels: Big time winner. Jump infantry are much better, access to a tough flyer. Almost does not need allies.
Space Marines: Turned out fairly well, (what you expect GW to nerf their bread and butter??) Scout/sniper squads >> tac marines.
Dark Eldar: down a notch. Close assault is much less desirable. Go max shooting, and allie with Eldrad to fortune your nastiest unit.
Eldar: Not too much shift over all, still lower end of the pack honestly. They really need a new codex.
Tau: Fair improvement, the changes to rapid fire help. Did not loose any ground.
Sisters of Battle: Small upgrade, the battle conclave took a hit now that you can no longer assault the same turn you disembark (from a non assault/open topped vehicle). However the changes to rage actually improve Repentia sisters and Penitent engines. Sisters are one of the few special character who can actually use their blessing/special feature with an allie (imperial guard).
Black Templars: not sure heard they got slight worse (not sure, hard to keep track of 15 armies).
Space Wolves: About the same, still a top tier army, get yourself 3 long fang packs!
Necrons: Hands down the **** winner of 6th so far, right out the gate. As Necrons were written with 6th in mind this is probably no accident. Necrons have the best troop transport, some of the best flyers, and are hands down the king of anti vehicle. They went from upper middle of the pack to king of the hill.
Grey Knights: Stayed the same, which is to say top tier. Draigo"wing", the all terminator army got a boost.
Tryanids: As much as I want to be optomistic, the bugs maybe held steady as the worst army, or actually got worse. No allies to shore up weakness, unable to use the fortifications guns (you can not purchase bunkers and such for your list). Bugs really need a new codex/WD supplement. The one saving grace is the sheer number of psykers you can field and exploit.
_________________ "Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky." — Alan Moore