What catch phrase/term/buzz word(s) are you sick of hearing as they relate to the gaming industry (not just video games)?
For me:
Fan Service -- Ummm duh! Games have fans. Any dev house worth its salt is going to try their damnedest to keep their fan base happy. I heard this term thrown out a lot when discussing Metal Gear Solid 4. Never mind the fact that Kojima said since before Day 1 of development that this installment would tie up the story completely, no loose ends. To do that, fan service is inevitable. This should have been no big shock to anyone.
Next Gen -- What was popularly termed "next gen" is here NOW. PS3, 360, Wii are all here, have been here, and will be here for quite some time. Yet still people like to call them "next gen" systems. Now if you're talking about the PS4, 720, or Mii 2, then the term would be used correctly.
Triple A Title -- Too nebulous to really be an applicable tag for a game. A game that gets 8's and 9's can be light years ahead in terms of actual quality as opposed to games that are getting 9's and 10's by knob-slobbering reviewers and fans. So ratings are out as a definition. A huge game that sells 4 million on the 360 is pretty much the equivalent of one that sells 2 million on the PS3, so sales are out as well. Game quality is way too subjective to outright label as "AAA."
Bomba -- As it pertains to either a game so good it's exploding with win, or a game so bad it's bursting with energy from the Plane of Fail. It's not cute, it's just annoying.
60 FPS! -- Because we all know that ONLY games running at 60 FPS are worthy of playing, right?