Darkroland wrote:
Oh no, so from now on we can't make fun of CSI type shows.
No, you can still do that.
Blurring isn't a matter of removing data or limiting the data that's captured. Motion while taking the picture, or even focus problems, are a matter of capturing the same amount of data, only smearing some of it together so they get confused.
If you can figure out how to sort through that smeared data and accurately discern HOW it was smeared, you can restore a lot of that data to an organized (sharp) picture.
CSI Enhance is all about putting data in that was never captured discreetly in the first place. When I expose a pixel on a CCD or CMOS chip, no amount of algorithmic wizardry will be able to figure out what the pattern exposed on that pixel was. Because the pixel reports it as a single number.