The Glade 4.0

Blackberry and resending emails
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Author:  Ladas [ Thu Jul 22, 2010 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Blackberry and resending emails

Using Blackberry Enterprise server with Exchange 2003.

Got an email from a coworker today, who is on vacation several hours away, who was basically asking I could get the system to send him the emails he didn't get over the last couple days because he "turned off the sync ability" on the phone to "get some peace and quiet". Why he didnt just turn off notifications, I have no clue, but that is beside the point at this time.

He was receiving his email just fine prior to "turning it off", and started getting them again once he turned it back this morning, but the emails he received between those two time periods are not being updated to his Blackberry. I know why, the server thinks is already sent those emails to his phone and therefore won't queue them to be sent.

Is there a way, short of deleting the user from BES and redoing his authentication, to force BES to re-sync all the email over the last X days? It has be to tracking the message status in a file or DB someplace, I'm just not sure where, if it can be altered.

It isn't super critical, since we also run OWA, so he was able to get his emails that way, but for future reference, it would be handy to know.

Author:  Lalaas [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:32 am ]
Post subject: 

There is a 'reconcile now' command on the BB itself. When you're in the mailbox, hit the 'BB key' to get to the various options, and scroll to the bottom of the list. Not sure if this'll help or not, but it's worth a shot.

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