The Glade 4.0

Google AI Challenge
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Author:  Lex Luthor [ Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Google AI Challenge

This is really cool. I wish I learned about this sooner! Final submissions are in three days.

Basically you design a bot that plays a game called Planet Wars as intelligently as possible. Your bot is matched up against other people's in a huge tournament, and you are assigned a rank based on your wins and losses. It is actually Waterloo University that is running it, and Google is their sponsor.

Here's an example of 2 of the top 5 AI's facing off. There are currently 40,000 submissions.

Author:  Numbuk [ Fri Nov 26, 2010 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Google AI Challenge

Attending the tournament will be a branch of the military looking for an AI to control a new unmanned fleet of stealth bombers they have been developing. The winner could be looking to take home a very large sum of money, if the military decides to purchase their new A.I.

"We have been looking for a superb artificial intelligence for the past two decades, but I think technology has finally caught up to our aspirations." Said Brigadier General Macmillan of the U.S. Air Force. "The Secretary of Defense is looking to pass a funding bill if our bombers can fly with perfect operational records. This could be a very bright future for our country and could help lead us out of the economic slump we have been in, if we can replace soldiers and save lives. And who knows what our military could do with A.I. from there? The possibilities are endless."


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