I'm part of a group doing a project with RFID at school. At its heart, we're going to be playing around with RFID door locks. We got the locks, and we also have also ordered a RFID experimenter's kit... but what we don't have set up yet is much means of playing around yet.
We've only just dabbled so far, as our project has just started, but we've already had issues getting the software that came with the experimenter's kit to run. Another student in a past class used a free RFID software instead... but he does not remember the name. Even if he did, I realize going into this project that while I have a pretty solid basis on the mechanics of RFID, I don't actually know any specific software.
So... I am hoping some of you have used RFID software before and can steer me towards the right direction. I've poked around Google, and found the occasional free RFID software, but I haven't found much in the way of discussion of RFID software. I may have missed the program that almost everyone uses, for example. It's this sort of stuff I want to avoid in my RFID software ignorance. :p
Any suggestions? Fosstrak seems the least shady of any I've found... but as an actual project with a grade attached to it I don't want to start off poorly only to have to backtrack later in case this doesn't suit our needs or there's one much better that we missed.