The Glade 4.0

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Author:  LadyKate [ Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Netbook

I just bought a netbook....I'm such a girl. *sigh*

I needed something inexpensive and portable and light and got this from someone I is 2 years old but they didn't even use it really. Not a scratch and came in the original packaging, and fresh install of Win7.

I'm getting used to it, but my major problem is I cannot watch Netflix on it. :cry:
Which was one of the main reasons for getting it.

1.67 Ghz

I can't tell if the problem is Silverlight or if my lil netbook just doesn't have the juice to do it.....when I stream a show or movie, it plays correctly for about 60 seconds and then the video lags, jerks or freezes while the audio continues's weird....then it locks up.


Author:  Corolinth [ Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Netbook

Whenever someone has a computer that they acquired from someone else that isn't working properly, my first thought is that the computer has some form of electronic herpes that has previously gone unnoticed. You mention a fresh install of Win 7. Who put the fresh install on? You, or them? When did Win 7 get installed? How much has the machine been used since then?

I don't need the answers to those questions, but you need to think about them. You sound as though you're ruling out the possibility of malware, when perhaps you shouldn't. Run a few diagnostic tools on your computer to check. Someone more qualified and knowledgeable about such things than I can provide you a list. This should be done on a regular basis.

You also need to check Windows Updates. If it's truly a fresh install, that means they haven't been run. You could be encountering a bug that Microsoft has since fixed, and you just haven't run the patch to fix it. Check the optional updates and look for things that address video packages. You should also update Java, and check video codecs. The problem you're describing sounds like your computer is lacking something to decode the incoming video stream. It runs fine for a few seconds until it gets a piece of data that it doesn't know what to do with, and then everything falls apart.

As far as the machine and the hardware, most of us were watching streaming video several years ago on computers that weren't any burlier than your little netbook. It has the guts to do it, but something is feeding the machine improper instructions.

Author:  LadyKate [ Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Coro. It probably is electronic herpes. I thought these people were clean, being a respectable military family on base and all, but one never knows....

I've been running updates and the first update after I got it was an automatic one for Silverlight....I'll mess with it some more but I may have to have NF redo the whole thing.

Author:  Corolinth [ Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Netbook

Malware isn't the most likely candidate, but it is a possibility, and moreover, it's one that should never be ignored just because you think highly of someone. Having a computer infected with malware or a virus has nothing to do with how clean or respectable one is. It's not God's wrath punishing you for looking at donkey porn. You don't get them by doing dirty stuff on the internet. You get malware by not paying attention to what you're doing at your computer.

Now, you mention you've been running updates. That sounds like when you went out looking, you found there were new updates waiting to be installed. That's very promising, especially since you pulled down a Silverlight update. Once you've finished, reboot and check Windows Updates one last time to make sure you've got them all.

Author:  LadyKate [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Yay I fixededed it! :D

Apparently my hardware isn't capable of handling too much so I went to Netflix options and changed the speed to the lowest quality/lowest data transfer option and that worked.

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