Over the past several months I have been trying to lose a little weight and get more fit.
I am exercising on the elipitcal 40 minutes, 3 times per week, and trieda diet low in starch (no rice, potatoes, and little bread). Weight did not change. I had to stop that diet because it pushed my cholesterol up.
Went to my doctor yesterday because my blood pressure has been up. He said it was not high enough to require medication, but given my family history of diabetes I needed to lose weight. My friends and the people I work with look at me oddly when I tell them this and say that I don't look overweight. *sigh*
So know I am supposed to do an HOUR of eliptical 4 times a week and weight work the other 3 days. And significantly decrease my intake of everything but vegetables.
So I said, "So. if I am good, I can get parsley and water?"