The Glade 4.0

Abnormal Status: Diseased
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Author:  Dalantia [ Mon May 14, 2012 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Abnormal Status: Diseased

Warning: if you don't want to put up with me whining, this would be a good point to stop reading.

Time for me to vent again.

I'm at work. Sick. Two days running. No one else to cover the shift. I've nearly fainted at least four times between today and yesterday. And I have to prepare breakfast. Whee. Dogpiling more stress on the last couple weeks, I'm now working full-time at the motel (two technically, but the same owners) in order to gather more money for the fall.

I did worse than I'd like, but I passed everything, when it comes to school. I need to both learn to study and establish a schedule for doing so, come time to move to Ames; there are subjects and math concepts that I can't pick up intuitively, as odd as that notion is to me, but I suppose that's what it's like for everyone, and I can't just blow it off anymore. The problems I'm having with ISU is that my advisor was unable to help me cobble classes together - she had to deflect me to another one, a math specialist, because pre-med isn't a degree program. It's a class track. I need a declared major in order to actually do that graduating thing. I've done up to Calc 3, along with DiffEQ - she just had no idea what to do with me on the math track. Called the number I was given. Went so far as to send him an email via my school account. No response, but it's only been four or five days. Maybe I need to route through advising and make another appointment, but now I'm trying to settle on a dayside sleep cycle and I have to get my car over to a body shop for another estimate so I can get -that- done too, and that makes it awkward to get in touch.

And now, my mother is pestering me to go to the 10 year class reunion. I may be nostalgic for the high school days and lack of responsibility, but I am content to let that past stay past, and she got ultra-huffy when I read the note written for the reunion and dismissed it as something I have no interest in. I was content to be done with that phase of my life, when we all scattered - I have maintained no contact with even my closest friends from that time period, especially since one of them committed suicide a few years back. And.. let's face it, I don't really want anyone to see me where I am now. I'm not that person anymore.

"We look upon the world and believe that everything has changed, when it is us that has changed."

Don't mind me, I took philosophy 101 and now I am pretentious.

Author:  Arathain Kelvar [ Mon May 14, 2012 10:33 am ]
Post subject: 

I had a lot of fun at my 10-year. It can't hurt to go.

Just saying.

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