I don't really know how to feel about this.
As a bit of background, growing up my uncle David was my favorite uncle (of two on my dad's side, and 6 on my mom's). He was great with us when we were kids. But later in life that love for my uncle turned closer, though not entirely, to hate. Late in my highschool years, and into college, my uncle became more and more paranoid and argumentative. He ruined so many holidays by arguing about how my Dad was going to steal his inheritance. Any time my grandfather sold any cattle, my uncle would throw a fit saying that they were selling his cattle, and would blame my dad.
I spent several summers during highschool at my grandparents. My uncle was all the time blaming my grandfather (who was in his late 90s at that point, for everything wrong in his life. He essentially lived off my grandparents, as he had ran the world famous bird dog training business my grandfather gave him (after he retired) into the ground, and then didn't really get another job. He was the expert at playing the guilt card, and while my grandmother was alive he milked it for all it was worth. When he was a kid he was hit in the head with a baseball, and had periodic seizures for much of his childhood. The seizures eventually went away, but my grandmother babied him his entire life because if them.
Since my grandfather died 7 years ago (at 102) I have seen my uncle exactly once, at my sister's wedding a couple years ago. He was a shell of a person. He sat in his chair completely zoned out. He was nearly incoherant when I talked to him. And he seemed so old. My father is a few years younger than my uncle, and most people that know my dad would be shocked to find out he is in his late 60s. Most people who saw my uncle would have pegged him in his 80s. He was a sad shell of a man, and that somewhat tempered my dislike for him.
But now as he is on what will likely be his death bed, I am left wondering what exactly I'm supposed to feel.