The Glade 4.0

Emotional Vampires
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Author:  Xequecal [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Emotional Vampires

"Oh look, there's water drops all over my machine. That's just like her to leave it like that. Nobody has any respect these days. I know I might be older but that doesn't mean I don't deserve respect! It's just like when I went to the doctor's office this morning. I drove fifty miles to get there and waited an hour and they saw someone who was only waiting there for 15 minutes. I complained and they said she was seeing a different doctor, that's not right, I was there first, that doctor should see me instead! I bet she didn't have to drive fifty miles in traffic to get there. And then they said I need to get a blood test tomorrow. I never have to get a blood test, why do I need one now? And they said I can't eat anything until the blood test! How am I supposed to go the whole day without eating? I have to have at least my midnight snack, I asked them if I could please have my midnight snack and they said no. They're probably just not letting me have it because they're mad because I complained about the other lady, this isn't right! I can't sleep without my midnight snack! Now I have to go the whole day and night without sleeping and drive fifty frigging miles back to the doctor's office in the morning and wait there for hours then get a blood test and drive all the way back home. I wonder how many people they're going to take this time before they notice I'm even there. But I'll do it. I have to do it, because my insurance won't let me see any other doctor. And then I'll have to go that whole day and never get to sleep and then come back to work and it'll probably be even dirtier! Don't you think it's dirty? Don't you think she should do a better job cleaning it before she leaves?!"

"Uh, look, I really need to -"

"Oh, no, of course you don't care that I have a problem. Nobody cares about my problems, or they wouldn't leave stuff dirty like this, or make me wait an hour and a half after I drove fifty miles! Maybe I should just go downstairs and walk into traffic and let a car hit me! It's not like anyone cares if I'm unhappy! Why can't I eat anything? I'm starving, why do they hate me so much to do this to me? I had my lunch and dinner all laid out in the fridge before they told me I couldn't eat, now it's all going to go bad and I'll have to throw it away! I don't have the money to keep buying food and gas to drive fifty miles back and forth to that doctor's office! But of course nobody cares about what I need. I should complain about this being dirty but the managers here don't care about that either! They'll probably take it out on me just like that secretary and the doctor. Now I have to clean this up. Of course I can't work while I'm cleaning it up so I'll get less done and they'll probably blame me for that too. That's what happens when you get older, everyone blames you for everything. You're lucky that you're still young and they don't do that to you, but get ready for it. That doctor will probably take forever to get my test results too. Last time a friend and I went she had her test results the next day but took them four days to get mine. I need to get at least a little bit to eat. Do you think they'll notice if I just eat a little bit?"

"Uhm, I don't know, I think I need to go use the bathroom."

"...yes they'll probably notice and make me come drive fifty miles there again for another blood test. No, I'll just have to not eat anything, and of course noone here cares that I'm starving and still give me all this.........."

*walks off *


Author:  Diamondeye [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emotional Vampires

Sounds like crankiness due to not eating!

Author:  Taskiss [ Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Emotional Vampires

Feed stupid and enjoy watching it grow.

"You shouldn't have to put up with that".

"I'd go to the supervisor if I were you".

"You should say something".

Wash, rinse, repeat.


Try what I've suggested and post the results in "Entertainment".

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