New petition to get the White House to actually follow it's on stated policy of responding to petitions. ... n=shorturlQuote:
we petition the obama administration to:
Actually respond to We The People petitions that collect at least 25,000 signatures
The We The People website claims that any petitions that collect at least 25,000 signatures in 30 days require an official response. Contrary to this claim, many petitions that do achieve the 25,000 signatures in 30 days threshold do not receive a response. Some of these petitions are unceremoniously deleted, while others are simply ignored.
We the People demand that the administration fulfills its self-imposed obligations under the terms of this website. ALL petitions which garner 25,000 signatures in 30 days or less REQUIRE a response. That response should come within 30 days of the petition meeting the 25,000 signature threshold. If, for legal or security reasons, a full response cannot be made, then a response explaining such circumstances is required.
Created: Dec 28, 2012
I find it hilarious that people still call this administration "transparent."