RangerDave wrote:
I think you're getting too far into the weeds, there, Ladas.
Perhaps, but it was an interesting topic, so I did my own looking.
So, it's not McCain's substantive disagreement with Obama that's disingenuous here; it's the sudden, breathless, "Obama wants to cap and tax to create a government slush fund! That's nothing like my old plan!" quality of his rhetoric.
Actually, the "slush fund" would be a valid disagreement, given the way the two exchanges were created. If my understanding is correct, the money raised under Obama's plan goes into the general budget, where as under McCain/Lieberman, the funds were retained in distinct groups with specific mandates for their distribution/use.
And while that might be your problem with the reaction by McCain, that is a far cry from what Monte was asserting/alleging in his group think classifications.