Diamondeye wrote:
Lenas wrote:
Diamondeye wrote:
None of this philosophizing about "what is knowledge?", praexeology, and so forth, solves one iota of any problem we're faced with. It has no power at all.
I'm not sure if I've ever seen such an ignorant post from you. Philosophy and concepts don't solve problems and have no power? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding your point somehow.
No, you pretty much got the point, although it seems apparent you don't know what "ignorant" means.
Lenas wrote:
"Lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular" sounds pretty fitting.
Meh. I know where DE is coming from, and in substance agree with him, except where he said "it has no power at all." Ideas have power, especially when coming from charismatic individuals.
Where I agree with him in substance, however, is that philosophy, except at it's most basic, simple level, is overcomplicating existence in unnecessary and ultimately useless ways. We do not need it. Not for our intelligence, not for our social aspects, and not for our existence as a species. We are
animals. We are no different than wolves or lions or apes or dolphins, and you haven't read the great philosophical works of those species. Why do we have it? It's a side effect of our evolved thinking capacity, right there with visual arts, music, poetry, prose. It has an entertainment value, it occupies our minds in debate and in thought. Like these other elements, they don't have any practical or empirical value in our lives, but that doesn't mean they don't have some other values that are harder to define. I do not think, however, that they have any more value than the arts I listed. They are simply a mental and emotional excersize. They have no value in everyday life when it comes to survival and advancement. We lend an almost religious-like credence to philosophical thought, and like religion, most of it is practically pointless, and in my subjective opinion, utter drivel.
It does, though, have power in human societies. Great power. We give it the power it has, true, but it is power nonetheless.