Ironically, I do actually want Bernie to win the Democrat nomination for several reasons:
A) As much of a moonbat as he is, he appears to be a relatively honest and sincere moonbat
B) Almost anyone is preferable to Hillary Clinton, who has been acting as though the Presidency belonged to her since November 3rd, 1992 and all she was doing was being made to wait. Off the top of my head I can't think of any female LESS deserving of the title of "first female President", especially after staying with the philanderer-in-chief for decades and targeting his accusers lest it ruin her own political ambitions
C) He's likely to send moderates running screaming to the Republicans and might even allow the Republicans to capture enough seats to override vetos
D) His policy proposals are so absurd that, if actually implemented, they would pretty much cure the public of any appeal for socialism for at least a generation, maybe more. Free college, with no ability testing, no performance standards, and no requirement not to major in what amounts to "being a liberal" would be ruinously expensive and annihilate the value of a college education in the process. His social expansions while at the same time planning to annihilate the fossil fuels industry and the revenue they provide are even more in the realm of fantasy - Many European countries with robust social programs fund them with fossil fuel revenues, Norway in particular. Not even Europe contemplates such fantastically incompatible social ideas.
D) Disregarding the above, he's just not likely to actually win a general election.
That said, Khross does make a good point about Sanders being far more serious and having a stronger game in the South than people are giving him credit for. If he even pulls within a few points of Hillary in South Carolina, her "firewall", he may run the table after that. Even the protests that "but Clinton has a firewall in the South!!" are a tacit admission that Hillary has to rely on a firewall to beat an aging lunatic that wasn't even a Democrat before this campaign.
Also, referring back to our "DPRK Twitter feed" (time stamp is a tad out of date), a remarkably apt description of the Iowa Democrat results:
DPRK News Service @DPRK_News · 1h1 hour ago
Iowa province rejects socialist milksop Bernard Sanders in favor of braying she-ass Hillary Clinton to succeed US gangster president Obama.
"Braying she-ass" is the best description of Hillary Clinton, not to mention the feminist portion of her supporters, I've ever heard.