Imperi wrote:
"Here's money if you go and do this."
That's what a job is. Spending created it. The job might or might not last in the long term.
Except that job must perform a function. Sure, it might be a job in a semantic or colluqial sense, but it's not service that anyone would purchase. It doesn't serve any use to the discussion. You may have some validity in the same sense there is no delineation between "consumption" and "investment". Afterall, what one person might call an investment (a garbage can), another might call it consumer consumption.
But like I said previously, were we to use your definition of job, we might as well just print tons of money and everyone can sit around and have an easy "job" and get paid for it, paid handsomely at that.
The key to distinguishing which jobs should and should not be considered jobs is the function of the market.