Aizle wrote:
So how does the average suck DE? What is it that the average teacher does that is bad or terrible?
1. The average teacher is there for the dollar, not the kids. Teachers form unions, which in turn go on strike, and hold childrens' and teenagers' futures hostage. They extort tax money from the average citizen by this means. Just look at this recent claim that teachers ought to be making 6-figure salaries. Where I lived in Ohio, we have teachers demanding their 3% raises despite plummeting property values and rampant unemployment, and holding the citizenry by the ball sack to get it. - never mind that conditions are so bad that Ohio lost so many people it dropped 2 House seats in the census, not one, but two.
2. The reason for this is that the majority of teachers do not care about teaching or kids. They take the major because it seems like an easy way to get a good job, or, in some cases, because they think little kids are cute and don't have any concept of what actually dealing with kids is like.
3. In latter grades, all too many teachers don't really know their subject matter that well; their education is focused on education and the subject matter is an afterthought.
4. This is compounded by the fact that all too many teachers simply have no experience, or very little, in life where they have not been involved in education. They go to school, then college, then get a job teaching, and some summer work or an interim job here and there, and don't really know how the world actually works outside of the education system.
5. Following from this, they do not understand the challenges parents face, often even if they happen to be parents themselves. They don't know how to talk to other adults except other educators, and frequently talk down to the parents, especialyl if they are used to dealing with smaller children. Even if they do happen to be parents themselves, they frequently do not grasp the demands on parents who do not have jobs that provide such ample time off, or hours during the normal mon-fri work week. They issue demands for
6. They are far too impressed with themselves. Everything is all about how much they supposedly care about the children. We see an endless stream of teachers carrying on about buying their own classroom supplies and demanding money from the parents for whatever project strikes them, or demanding more taxes, yet the aforementioned raises always seem to have to come first.
7. They do not effectively prevent bullying, and are perfectly willing to tolerate ridiculous underpayment of substitute teachers. Discipline problems are frequently misdiagnosed and blame mislaid and students run wild when the teacher is not present.