Arathain Kelvar wrote:
That's exactly what you did here.
Actually, that's not what I did. The comic doesn't mock people for being religious; it mocks them for being disingenuous assholes. Big difference. For example, switch it to something non-religious. Instead of a religious person talking about Christian love, make it a caricature of a liberal going on about how important it is to not discriminate against people, to treat everyone as equals, etc., etc., while at the same time linking those ideals to support for affirmative action, race-specific scholarships, hate crimes legislation, etc. The woman responds, "You're an *******," and, he shoots back that she's a racist. That wouldn't be mocking liberals generally for being liberals; it would be mocking the (arguably) obvious inconsistency between the guy's paeans to equality and his racially-discriminatory policy preferences.
Arathain Kelvar wrote:
Which brings me back to my original point. Funny or not, witty or not, you posted something you knew would get a rise from folks on the board, then walked away from the thread to let it run its course. This is trolling. It is fine to do so, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty blatant.
On the contrary, before I posted the OP, I debated whether it should even go into Hellfire. Last time I posted
a thread poking fun at anti-gay sentiments, people wondered why I didn't just post it in the General forum. That time, it was just habit, but this time, I consciously decided I'd better Hellfire it just in case the religious angle got someone's back up (which...surprise! did), but I figured it was 50/50 that people would just shrug again. No one here is really anti-gay, so I thought folks might just see the comic for what it is: a send-up of disingenuous assholes who cloak their bigotry in lip-service about Christian love, not of Christians generally. Apparently not though.
Arathain Kelvar wrote:
However, take a lesson from the majority of evangelicals. You can profess your faith, or lack thereof, as frequently as you like. But, if in the process, you're mocking someone else, putting them down, or acting like you are better than them, whether regarding religion or other, you're just a douchebag. That's not necessarily directed at you, but it's certainly more applicable to others in this thread. Most evangelicals do not mock the beliefs of others.
No real disagreement here, except to note that if someone's being a dick, the fact that their dickish behavior is religiously motivated shouldn't insulate them from being called a dick, which, again, is exactly what the comic I posted was intended to do.