The Glade 4.0

Union exemption from Health Care costs
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Author:  Ladas [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Union exemption from Health Care costs

One of two editorials I read over the last week regarding the latest sham from the Democrats in control of the Federal government, and their extensions of political payback at the cost of taxpayers.

I'm sure at this point everyone has read about the 5 year exclusion (as if that won't become permanent as a rider on some other, unrelated bill in the future) for Union and goverment workers from paying the "tax" on high value insurance plans. This editorial goes a long way toward summing up my opinion of this plan, and the idiocy behind it.

Author:  Beryllin [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

I read an opinion that asked, paraphrased, "If the health care bill is so great, why do so many folks need exceptions or exemptions from it in order to vote for it or support it?"

Good question, imo, and I think we know the answer.

Author:  Uncle Fester [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

Amish are exempt also, but those lucky bastards get out of all the federal pyramid schemes.

Author:  Micheal [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Convert to the simple life Fester. You know you want to. Would you look good with the no mustache beard?

Author:  Xequecal [ Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

Beryllin wrote:
I read an opinion that asked, paraphrased, "If the health care bill is so great, why do so many folks need exceptions or exemptions from it in order to vote for it or support it?"

Good question, imo, and I think we know the answer.

No, they get all the health care, they just don't have to pay for it.

But from what I understand, this is actually supposed to be a concession to businesses that employ unions, not unions themselves. Nonunion pay can be changed relatively quickly, but union pay is set in stone by contracts that last for years. It would be unfair to demand the companies that employ them to pay for health insurance right away while they can't change their compensation accordingly due to union contracts.

Author:  Sasandra [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

Beryllin wrote:
"If the health care bill is so great, why do so many folks need exceptions or exemptions from it in order to vote for it or support it?"

There's a simple answer for that and one of the biggest downfalls of humanity, most people are greedy **** that don't give a damn about anyone but themselves and their own wallets, so unless it helps them personally they don't care.

Author:  LadyKate [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

Someone I know sent me an email this morning:

W, the head of the union here, came in earlier and was talking to
C and S. He said that if we get Obamacare, insurance on non
union members would go up probably about 40%. S did the math and
said that it would be almost 30 bucks more a month. Union members would
stay the same. Oh, and guess what the union dues are...22 a month.
What a racket. So much for equal protection, fairness, people who make
under 200K a year not seeing any new taxes crap huh?

I don't understand this.

Author:  DFK! [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Union exemption from Health Care costs

LadyKate wrote:
Someone I know sent me an email this morning:

W, the head of the union here, came in earlier and was talking to
C and S. He said that if we get Obamacare, insurance on non
union members would go up probably about 40%. S did the math and
said that it would be almost 30 bucks more a month. Union members would
stay the same. Oh, and guess what the union dues are...22 a month.
What a racket. So much for equal protection, fairness, people who make
under 200K a year not seeing any new taxes crap huh?

I don't understand this.

What about it do you not understand?

Author:  LadyKate [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't understand why non-union members have to pay more money? And even if they join a union, its really no different?
I was under the impression that the govt was going to do everything to make sure that the healthcare plan didn't affect those who opted to keep their own health insurance.

Author:  Diamondeye [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

LadyKate wrote:
I don't understand why non-union members have to pay more money? And even if they join a union, its really no different?
I was under the impression that the govt was going to do everything to make sure that the healthcare plan didn't affect those who opted to keep their own health insurance.

Because unions try to set up deals like this in order to pressure people to join the union.

As for it not affecting those who keep their own plan... well, I wouldn't recommend you believe similar promises from the government in the future.

Author:  Mookhow [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Re:

Diamondeye wrote:
As for it not affecting those who keep their own plan... well, I wouldn't recommend you believe similar promises from the government in the future.

"Oh that's just what we call pillow talk, baby, that's all. "

Author:  DFK! [ Tue Jan 19, 2010 9:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

LadyKate wrote:
I don't understand why non-union members have to pay more money?

Because certain political groups or candidates heavily depend upon Union votes and money to retain power. Many or most of those groups or candidates are the backers of the current bill.

LadyKate wrote:
I was under the impression that the govt was going to do everything to make sure that the healthcare plan didn't affect those who opted to keep their own health insurance.

This impression comes from believing that they aren't lying to you, and that the bill is actually supposed to help people. Instead, you should simply say to yourself: "Politicians are proposing a bill. That bill means more money spent by government, which means more control for them and more expenses for the people. Neither of these are good, and so this bill isn't good."

This is doubly true for the healthcare bill, but you can use this phrase for any given federal-level bill in modern times.

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