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Conservatives win seats in Parliament by "landslide"
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Author:  DFK! [ Sun May 09, 2010 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Conservatives win seats in Parliament by "landslide"

If socialist Britain can do it perhaps hope exists for the US?

Author:  Elmarnieh [ Mon May 10, 2010 12:22 am ]
Post subject: 

European "conservative" != American "conservative".

Author:  Diamondeye [ Mon May 10, 2010 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re:

Elmarnieh wrote:
European "conservative" != American "conservative".

No kidding. What's even more hilarious is that Euro-wankers think that European politics defines the political spectrum of the world, and that therefore the politicis in America (and even Canada to a great degree) ranges from Center-Left (the leftist whackos) to Extreme Right (where they disingenuously aggregate extreme neocons, libertarians, fascist/neonazis, and extreme religious fundamentalists). What's even more hilarious is them trying to defend the idea that Obama is really a centrist because that's where he falls in European politics (again, supposedly;European politics seems to be undeined as well).

Evidently the argument is that since Europe is a few dozen countries and the U.S. is just one, they ge to define political norms. Never mind the fact that Europe is a bunch of little countries and we're one big one. We can also forget the fact that the U.S. has stayed more or less stable in terms of its political spectrum, but since WWII the overall spectrum of European politics has shifted considerably leftward. To top it all off, of course, anything ont he left is seen as necessarily better and forard looking because its "progressive" and "liberal" and of course those things are just automatically better, while they use a highly outdated idea of 'conservative' and 'reactionary' (wanting to keep things the same or go back to the past just for the sake of keeping them the same or going back) to define the right, and they define ALL of the aforementioned types of what they consider 'the right' interms of these narrow labels.

It's essentially 'Anything that is widly considered bad is on the right, because the right is where andthing bad gets placed. We know this because the ideas of the Lef are good, which they must be because they're progressive, and improvements over the past, which they must necessarily be because they're the ideas of the left (i.e. our ideas).'

More than anything they really just illustrate the weaknesses of the left-right political spectrum model, but it's still hilarious. They think the extremes of the spectrum are defined by where the average of most countries in Europe falls, not by the spectrum of ideas across the world, or even across Europe plus the country they like to ***** about (the U.S.), nor across the populations in question. No, it's just 'The U.S. has lower taxes and less social welfare than most European countries, therefore the U.S. is a backward country on the extremeist right.'

Author:  DFK! [ Wed May 12, 2010 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re:

Elmarnieh wrote:
European "conservative" != American "conservative".

Don't change the fact that Tories are more conservative than Labour or Liberal Democrat.

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