Xequecal wrote:
Sorry, I'm not going to be sympathetic when the Gini Index (rich/poor wealth gap) in the US keeps rising and you hear rich companies running out ruthless policy after ruthless policy that guarantees high unemployment will continue.
Corrado Gini, much like
Vilfredo Pareto, is a pretty interesting character. The Gini Index is only useful if you put in good data in the first place. European State GI's are generally artificially low, because welfare payouts are homogenized across the population after mean and median income calculations. Moreover, the GI doesn't account for material, non-economic differences in the makeups of various countries, differences in cultural values, and ethnographic heterogeny. In fact, there exists any number of valid criticisms for using the GI in the United States, mostly because each state is a sovereign economic entity in its own right. The GI has been rising in Europe since the creation of the EU, and the United States is still below the 2006 high point. Ultimately, however, the GI fails because it provides no valuable cross-data on the availability of opportunity.
Oh, and in case you didn't bother to click the links above, Pareto and Gini were the economic policy giants behind the Fascist Movement in Italy.
Xequecal wrote:
First every company starts with, "If you're not currently employed, we won't even look at you."
That's because the Law of Supply and Demand trumps the moral ideology of "full employment". The United States has been dealing with the effects of mass over-employment for at least 35 years. The overall domestic market is correcting for the inefficiencies government policy has created in the labor market. The job market is, for the first time in many of your lifetimes, approaching real competition. One can only hope the government decides to let that trend continue. Education and knowledge, experience and talent will all regain market value and lead to a better economic and productive sector. Those incapable of competing will simply not work.
Xequecal wrote:
Now I just read an article saying that 60% of all US employers will now not hire anyone that has an account in collections on their credit report. So now if you lose your job and fall behind on bills because you lost your job you can't ever get another one because of this crap.
This works for me. If you demonstrate the level of fiscal incompetence that places you in this situation, I have no desire to hire you. You should have managed your finances better.
Xequecal wrote:
Well if corporate America isn't going to support these people then the government has to do it, and that means more taxes.
And this is precisely the attitude that landed us in this situation in the first place.
Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.