Müs wrote:
Yeah. It is fear mongering. He could fix it with a stroke of his pen, and he won't because he'd rather throw a hissy fit about what the repubs aren't giving him.
Honest question, Mus: If the roles were reversed, would you still be laying the blame at the President's feet?
Imagine we had a Republican President and Senate, but a Democratic House, and the Dems declared that they would block any increase in the debt ceiling (with all the consequences that implies) unless the Republicans agreed to raise taxes and increase spending on things like health care, education, social security, etc. (i.e., increase all the the stuff that the Republicans want to cut now). The Republican President offers to strike a deal that splits the difference between the Dem position and the Republican position, but the Dems refuse. He then offers a 2-1 split in favor of the Dems, but they refuse. With the deadline approaching, he offers a
4-1 split in favor of their position, but the Dems still refuse, saying it's all or nothing - the only deal on the table is everything they want in exchange for raising the debt limit. In response, the President does an interview and argues that the Dems are being unreasonable and that if they do fail to raise the debt limit, it will result in serious consequences such as SS recipients not getting their checks.
In that scenario, would you really still say the President is just fear-mongering? That he's throwing a hissy fit and could (should?) fix it with a stroke of his pen (i.e. by giving the Dems their tax-and-spend wish list)?
* By the way, I feel like my posts are coming across as snarky and rude in this thread, so let me just say that's not the intent. My intended tone is actually more along the lines of "flabbergasted". I'm just can't believe anyone would look at the current situation and think it's Obama that's being unreasonable.