Buliwyf wrote:
What new information? The ad didn't add anything not already known.
You, like Rynar, want to make this about me, for whatever reason. It's not about me. It's about a Republican candidate putting out an ad attacking another Republican candidate in the same manner that the left wing is delighted to do. And Ron Paul is doing their work for them, which is why I say he is a tool. Since he cannot convince many Republicans to support his ideas, he wants to drag others down.
Tell me. When did this ad come out? Oh, right, yesterday. Now that Newt has risen in the polls. Where was this ad when Newt was just a blip at the bottom of the polls? Oh, yeah.
I'll use one illustration from the ad, then I'm done and you can go back to whatever you were doing. This ad points out the Newt with Pelosi global warming ad. Fine, but Newt already has admitted that ad was one of his worse mistakes. Now, to me, that sounds like a mea culpa, and a man would accept that and move on. But not Ron Paul's camp, no sir! Classy, guys.
It is about you since you interjected your opinion regarding a primary. A primary is the search for the best candidate and one cannot decide that without weighing pro's and con's. The simple fact that you may have known all of Newt's negatives does not mean that everyone did (since this ad was not created with just you in mind).
So Paul should have put this ad out when Newt was so low in the polls as to be non-starter? Exactly why should any candidate waste resources in that fashion? Many people move to candidates based on obtaining very little information - this ad provides more information. The horror.
So because Newt admitted it was a mistake does that negate the mistake? Are mistakes of candidates in the past no longer valid for including in our assessment of a candidates ability to judge actions because it was admitted? If you have an employee who screws up daily but always apologizes for it - does that mean those mistakes aren't occurring and reflect negatively on the employee's ability?
You're simply looking for any avenue possible to reinforce your currently held opinion. You're over reacting because a defense mechanism has been triggered. All the while your entire critique is based on ignoring the fundamentals of why a primary occurs.