Apparently the NDA has been lifted and I missed it. I have actually been a part of the beta for the past couple months.
I will admit fully that I haven't devoted as much time to the game as I am sure others would have, but I'd be happy to answer any questions I can, if people are interested. I will also do my best to keep spoilers to a minimum as it pertains to plot and what not.
The game plays differently than City of XXXX and Champions Online. For one, you actually have armor-slot items like traditional RPGs. Another is that there aren't any "dps" roles per se. They have three roles: Controller, Tank, Healer. And each role can also dps, which is a cool idea.
The story is pretty cool, they explain why there are a crapload of superheroes/villains (yes, you can be either a villain or hero) all of a sudden. If you have watched the trailer for DCUO, then you've *mostly* seen what's going on. But the trailer cuts off the tail end, where it explains the influx of all the new heoes/villains.
One thing I like is that they got rid of the vertical challenge speedsters face. If you choose superspeed as your travel power, you can use the "Speed Force" to run up walls and on ceilings. As long as you keep moving, you stick to it like glue. If you stop, you fall.
Anyway, this is just a quick and dirty post. I need to head to a company meeting. But if you've got questions, feel free to shoot em my way.