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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:03 pm 
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Where did you have this "Chicago style" that you didn't like?

"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 5:07 pm 
Kitchen Temptress
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Foamy wrote:
Well, the only one Oonagh and I had was crap. Really gave us a bad taste for deepdish "pizza". I will have to try and find a place that does it better than the one we had.

Just when I want pizza, deepdish is not what comes to mind. It's more of a tomato and topping potpie. Pizza to me will always be NY style.

See, that's the thing... you tried it ONCE and decided not that THAT deep dish pizza was crap, but that ALL deep dish pizza is crap. It's like deciding that beer is nasty after trying Bud Ice.

Also, on a side note, one of my hot buttons is people saying 'X is digusting' and not 'I don't care for X'.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:12 pm 
Lucky Bastard
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Had it at Pizzeria Uno.

Shel, lighten up. Obviously, you don't understand the tongue in cheek delivery of my posts. I figured that the use of the winking and raspberry emoticons show that, but you seemed to miss it.

I am JOKING about getting out of my thread. Laugh a little. I don't know why the pizza preference of someone appx. 1800mi. away gets you in such a lather.

So, that being said. I prefer NY style pizza. To repeat myself, I don't think of the tomato, cheese and topping potpie as a pizza. I don't despise it, I just would not go out of my way to order it.

Now can you take the serious and bring it elsewhere, say maybe Hellfire, because I sure as hell don't need an argument about pizza here in General.

This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:44 pm 
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Foamy wrote:

Now can you take the serious and bring it elsewhere, say maybe Hellfire, because I sure as hell don't need an argument about pizza here in General.

You shut up only the pizza I like is good and everyone else is wrong! /sarcasm off :D

Also, I stand by my cherry pie comment.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:53 pm 
Asian Blonde

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tomato, basil, chilly based sauce, with garlic prawns, mush rooms, sun dried tomatos, and 3 types of cheese, topped with a sprinkle of chilly flakes.

Alternatively, double smoked bacon, meatballs, peperoni, over a bbq smoked sauce, and dribbled with bbq sauce on top, topped with chilly flakes.

Base as to be as thin as possible with cheese and ham/bacon bits in the crust... mmm....

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:17 pm 
Bull Moose
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Foamy, there is a place a few blocks from where I work that serves an excellent deep dish, and yes, i have had ones similar to what you describe as your experience too. There are many ways to do pizza, and you usually love what you grew up with. A lot of people get very protective about 'their style' of pizza.

Now I found having a Philly Steak sandwich with Cheeze Whiz an interesting experience, and if you fellow Pennsylvanians choose to eat theirs that way, that is okay with me. Personally I'll go with the inaccurate reproductions here that use 'real' cheese.

The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. B. Franklin

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:44 pm 
I got nothin.
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Who ruins good steak with cheese whiz?

Holy shitsnacks!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:02 pm 
Bull Moose
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Well, calling it good steak would be a stretch, but the default style of the Philly Steak sandwich in Philadelphia itself seems to be 'wit' Cheese Whiz. If you want it with something else you have to order it that way.

I had a good time with Foamy and Oonagh, and got to meet and hold Sean for a little while which was very pleasant. Foamy warned me about it but I tried it so I could have had a real Philly Steak in Philadelphia. Visiting the Liberty Bell and the other sites we went to was a lot more memorable.

The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. B. Franklin

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:03 pm 
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Müs wrote:
Who ruins good steak with cheese whiz?


"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:13 pm 
Lucky Bastard
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Micheal wrote:
Foamy, there is a place a few blocks from where I work that serves an excellent deep dish, and yes, i have had ones similar to what you describe as your experience too. There are many ways to do pizza, and you usually love what you grew up with. A lot of people get very protective about 'their style' of pizza.

Now I found having a Philly Steak sandwich with Cheeze Whiz an interesting experience, and if you fellow Pennsylvanians choose to eat theirs that way, that is okay with me. Personally I'll go with the inaccurate reproductions here that use 'real' cheese.

Somewhere along the line, Cheez whiz seems to have become a staple of a Philly cheesesteak. I missed that memo. As far as I was aware, Provolone or American were the chosen cheeses for said sammich. Micheal, I'll take one of the inaccurate representations also if it has real cheese on it. We picked the wrong place to have a sandwich. Pats and Genos were too far away and the next best option was the Reading Terminal Market, but that was back the way we had come from which was several blocks away.

I don't know that Cheez Whiz is now considered the standard Philly cheesesteak. I sure hope it's not. Gimme provolone or american and you can keep the Cheez in a can.

This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:21 pm 
Bull Moose
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Foamy, I've talked to some friends who have visited Philly in the last few years. Their story was everywhere they went, it was Cheez Whiz. Of course they may not have had native guides. I loved the visit, hope to do it again some time, but next time, I'll rent a car so we can go anywhere we want to.

The U. S. Constitution doesn't guarantee happiness, only the pursuit of it. You have to catch up with it yourself. B. Franklin

"A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone." -- Tyrion Lannister, A Game of Thrones

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:47 pm 

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My favorite pizza place is a small local place called Pizzaria 712. Never had a pizza there I didn't like. They rotate their menu with completely new items every four months or so as well.

There's another not too far away that I can't remember the name of that's pretty awesome. Both these places server real Italian style pizza, which is closer to what people generally refer to as thin crust in the US.

There's a few toppings that are common to find in Italy that aren't here, such as some various greens (such as arugula, amazing on pizza) and a much wider variety of meats and cheeses that are awesome.

Basically if it's cooked in a wood oven, I'll probably love it.

*edit Remembered the other place, it's called Terra Mia. Great place as well, and the gelato they serve is also pretty awesome.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:19 am 
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Pepperoni and spinach. Modified to sometimes include mushrooms and peppers.

Greek style with sundried tomatoes, garlic and spinach and block olives also rocks.

"...but there exists also in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom." - De Tocqueville

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:43 am 
Grrr... Eat your oatmeal!!
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Khross wrote:
There's probably not much difference in carb density between a thin crust and a hand tossed crust or pan crust, as the major difference between the three is the degree of leavening.

Yes, but if you tell Lisa (my SO) that she may not let me eat pizza anymore. :)

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:44 am 
Grrr... Eat your oatmeal!!
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Müs wrote:
Who ruins good steak with cheese whiz?

Good steak... no one. Philly Cheese Steak... it is the way it is meant to be.

Traveller, Calé, Whisperer
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 8:41 am 

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Meatballs and bacon, light on the cheese.

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:13 am 
Kitchen Temptress
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Foamy wrote:
I don't know that Cheez Whiz is now considered the standard Philly cheesesteak. I sure hope it's not. Gimme provolone or american and you can keep the Cheez in a can.

It is. Sorry. I prefer provolone, too... I'm not into American cheese and don't see much difference between American cheese in preformed slices and American cheese in an aerosol can. Chemically they are the same damn thing.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:20 am 
Sensitive Ponytail Guy
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Forgive me if this sounds like a stupid question, but ... are y'all talking about Cheez Whiz or Easy Cheese?


Oh, and Foamy ... lighten up. You obviously don't understand the deliberately overdramatized tone of my posts. I figured that the lack of exclamation points and evil emoticons show that, but you seemed to miss it.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:25 am 
Lucky Bastard
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I don't know what the Cheesesteakeries around here use when asked for a "cheesesteak wiz witout". They may use the brand "cheez whiz" or perhaps a generic knockoff. Since I never used the stuff myself, I wasn't aware that "Cheez Whiz" did not come in a can.

Either way, gimme the real stuff on my sammich, please.

Taamar wrote:
Foamy wrote:
I don't know that Cheez Whiz is now considered the standard Philly cheesesteak. I sure hope it's not. Gimme provolone or american and you can keep the Cheez in a can.

It is. Sorry. I prefer provolone, too... I'm not into American cheese and don't see much difference between American cheese in preformed slices and American cheese in an aerosol can. Chemically they are the same damn thing.

I don't like the preformed slices either. Gotta have the sliced deli American. Land-O-Lakes or New Yorker, plz.

This must be Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:41 am 
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American cheese is bland, tasteless stuff.

The only thing I'll use it on (and even then, only in desperation) is a burger, because at least it melts okay.

"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 2:55 pm 
Kitchen Temptress
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Foamy wrote:
I don't like the preformed slices either. Gotta have the sliced deli American. Land-O-Lakes or New Yorker, plz.

It's the same stuff... mixed ground up cheese with extra milk and stabilizers, processed to a paste then squirted into either rubbery slices or rubbery blocks. It's only grace is that it melts, but so does provalone. Or gouda. Or jack.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:04 pm 
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Mmm. Jack...

"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 3:29 pm 
Kitchen Temptress
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Kaffis Mark V wrote:
Mmm. Jack...

Ever had Vella Dry Jack? They age it like parmesan!

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:33 pm 
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"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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