Rafael wrote:
I think his point is that linear algebra (which I opted not to take) is incredibly applicable to Excel. If you learn how to do Guassian eliminations and row reduction, you can fully employ pivot tables to what they are capable of doing.
Basically, yes you can blast through the wall to get to perception by slowly and tediously experimenting with Pivot Tables to perform functions for which they are complete overkill. You posit that pivot tables are a part of basic spreadsheet functionality, but they are quite a bit more than that.
This is the sort of explanation that I could have accepted constructively several posts ago here. Thank you for putting it in these terms, especially after how heated I've gotten in this thread.
Rafael wrote:
I had to write some VB-Basic scripts in Excel once in my job using what I had learned in C++ for Engineers (and C++ from my high school) and they were brute, clunky and ugly. They worked. But they didn't increase my understanding at all. I think that is the dilemma you must consider.
I can most certainly identify with having written clunky and ugly code, but I cannot recall having yet failed to write anything that I didn't learn something from along the way. So far, that's only happened when I basically copy/paste someone else's code, which is why I tend to avoid doing so as much as humanly possible.
Corolinth wrote:
Shelgeyr, you claim to have at one point been going to college to learn computer programming, and yet the list of languages you purport to have experience with is, with the exception of COBOL, no more diverse than two years of high school computer science.
To be fair, assuming you can find it in you to be so, my programming experience began with an experimental High School class that I took in 1986 and continued in an Associate's program in 1998-2000. What schooling I've taken in the area was done before these classes to which you refer would have even existed.
Corolinth wrote:
You started a thread with the apparent purpose of bragging about your new book. (If this thread existed to answer your questions about spreadsheeting, you'd have used a different title.)
Yeah, this thread was pretty much intended as a Tweet.
Corolinth wrote:
I understand now you're not looking to improve your programming skills. That's very apparent in the direction this thread took.
Actually, that's not even remotely true. I have quite a bit of interest in improving my coding skills. That just wasn't the specific intent of the discussion at hand. My immediate interest in this area is to increase my familiarity with the "no code required" spreadsheet functions so that I don't get myself into a position of writing code to do what the spreadsheet already does.
Corolinth wrote:
In return, I would request that you please understand how, when you start threads about your forays into writing programs, the rest of us might mistakenly assume that you were interested in learning to write code better.
As an aside, even for someone only interested in learning basic spreadsheet functionality, the advice I gave you at the beginning of the thread is still very sound.
That may well be true but do please try to understand that from my point of view, "I'm not a computer programmer" and "pivot table just sounds to me to be derived from a pivot point" (which essentially translates to "I don't know what a pivot table is" and effectively invalidates any advice you might offer on the subject), to say nothing of the high-handed snobbery of "You must learn trig and finite math to call yourself a reasonably educated adult" aren't just "hard pills to swallow", they're slaps to the face that have in them no dignity whatsoever.
Corolinth wrote:
It may not be what you wanted to hear, but that doesn't make it any less relevant to your query.
From where I'm standing, the fact that what you said has any bearing, relevance or validity is purely coincidental and your *** is just lucky you guessed in the ballpark and luck doesn't make you a good advisor.
Corolinth wrote:
Furthermore, it would answer future questions about spreadsheet and Excel functionality that you haven't even thought to ask, yet. Some of the responses you got in this thread have been rather dickish, and I must confess that any further replies I make will be likewise, but let it not be said that I did not genuinely and sincerely attempt to help you.
I'll grant that you genuinely attempted to pull off the appearance of making a sincere attempt at helping me, but honestly ... being given advice from someone who talks down to my education level while admitting no knowledge of the subject matter at hand doesn't play well in my worldview.