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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 11:46 am 
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One of our schools had 9 students pass out with fever, vomitting, and convulsions/seizures, after receiving the H1n1 vaccine at school.
I wonder if this has happened other places and not been reported as well?

Here is the article and the link:

Caledonia parents reconsider vaccine
November 6, 2009 12:02:00 PM

Jason Browne

CALEDONIA — Parents of Caledonia elementary and middle school students are re-evaluating whether or not to allow their children to receive the H1N1 vaccine after nine high-school students went to the hospital Wednesday with complications from the vaccine.

“I won’t be allowing my son to take it,” Ernie Philem, the father of a fourth-grader at Caledonia Elementary, said Thursday afternoon at the school. “I had already decided before all this happened. My wife had doubts about my decision, then when this happened she’s behind me 100 percent.”

Nine students were transported to Baptist Memorial Hospital–Golden Triangle Wednesday, with symptoms ranging from hives, fever, shortness of breath and other reactions after being administered the swine flu vaccine at school, through a partnership with the Mississippi State Department of Health and the Mississippi University for Women nursing department.

One student remained in care after eight others were treated and released; another student returned to the emergency room Wednesday night.

The reactions have caused apprehension among parents.

“There’s just a little bit of hesitation,” said Shannon Voss, mother of a fifth-grader and a seventh-grader at Caledonia. “I think the vaccine is probably safe. I think it was probably just not a very good batch (Wednesday). Still, my kids are a little worried.”

Both the LCSD and Columbus Municipal School District received multiple calls from concerned parents Thursday asking if future vaccinations would proceed as planned. H1N1 vaccines will continue to be administered at the schools in concert with the MSDH and local medical professionals.

“It was just side effects,” said Jill Lester, who has a daughter at Caledonia Elementary School. “(Students) freaked out over it and (school officials) stopped it, and it was the right thing to do. But I am grateful my daughter can have this vaccine because the actual illness has killed many, whereas the vaccine has killed none.”

According to information provided to parents with vaccination consent letters, risks from the inactivated H1N1 vaccine are similar to those from the seasonal flu vaccine: soreness, redness, tenderness or swelling at the injection site, fainting, headache, muscle aches, fever or nausea. Life-threatening reactions to vaccines are rare.

After research, MSDH officials determined nothing was wrong with the vaccine doses used Wednesday at Caledonia.

“Once we ascertained what batch it was and where it was given out, it was not considered a batch problem,” said Liz Sharlot, director of communication for MSDH.

Hundreds of students were treated from the same batch with no reported problems, Sharlot added, noting allergic reactions in a small percentage of individuals are not unusual. Hundreds of students at Columbus schools and other Lowndes County schools were administered the vaccine without incident.

Lowndes County School District Superintendent Mike Halford reported two of the nine students transported to the hospital Wednesday were back in school Thursday. Others planned to return Friday or Monday.

MUW nursing students had just finished administering the vaccine to all willing CHS students when the reactions developed, prompting officials to postpone plans to continue vaccinating middle and elementary school students.

“We don’t want to give people the impression it was just a bunch of anxious kids reacting. We stopped it because of that. The reactions were far more than hives, I can promise you,” said Halford.

The MSDH partnering with medical professionals and school districts to provide the injectable swine flu vaccine to students throughout the state.

Oktibbeha and Starkville schools have made plans to allow on-site inoculation at its schools; MSDH officials making the rounds at school districts throughout the state have yet to address the West Point school board.

The injectable vaccine is made from killed flu virus and is considered safe for everyone 6 months and older who is able to take a seasonal flu vaccine without side effects. Those with allergies to eggs are at high risk for allergic reactions to flu vaccines.

More than 1,200 Mississippi cases of H1N1 swine flu have been confirmed by laboratory testing since May 15.

Here are the local comments, including one of the kids and a couple of parents:
21 reader comments
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Robert | 11/6/2009 1:53:00 PM mark as inappropriate
Seems to be a statistical dissimilarity here if we hear others schools had reported no problems and "hundreds of students were treated with the same batch with no reported problems" does not explain it away. My gut tells me 9 of "hundreds" is higher than 0 of all others in area vaccinated.
Dispatch should ask MSDH the hard questions. Is the percentage of adverse reactions with this batch higher? How does this percentage of adverse reactions (type that send folsk to the hospital) compare to those across the nation? Was the batch handled appropriately all the way up to administering it?
I believe the vaccine is safe and have gotten the mist for my kids. The risks of H1N1 outweigh the risks of this vaccine. Ms Lester said it best. I have not heard of anyone dying from the vaccine.

AC | 11/6/2009 4:23:00 PM mark as inappropriate
I am glad that Ms. Lester's child can have the vaccine. But, I can assure her that it was not a "side effect" it was a severe reaction to the vaccine that caused my child to be transported twice to the ER. My child was not "freaked out" she was confulsive, having seizures and at times catatonic. Very real and terrifying for both my daughter and us.

HH | 11/6/2009 5:21:00 PM mark as inappropriate
I am so sorry for the children that did have the reactions to the vaccination and I pray they will have a full recovery. The vaccine concerns me because it was fast-tracked. There have been no large studies done on this vaccine, and really, there are no long-term studies done on any vaccines. What is also a MAJOR concern is that the Mississippi State Dept of Health gave inaccurate information when questioned about the reactions. According to the fact sheet published by the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, signs of a SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTION can include difficulty breathing, hoarsness or wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, a fast heart beat or dizziness.

HF | 11/6/2009 8:06:00 PM mark as inappropriate
I disagree with everyone except AC because I was there. My friend was the first to go down and I stood over her while she gasped for breath. Then I returned later that night and watched her convulse and go in and out of responsiveness for hours. Maybe I'd take what you say seriously if you were there, but you weren't Robert, and honestly you think now the risk of H1N1 outweigh the risk of the shot, well it doesn't. I do not wish bad things on anyone, but I do not believe you have a right to comment on how "fake" and "safe" the shot is until you witness first hand you child, or best friend going through this. I watched my friend in pain, I watched her cry, and it hurt every second, I watched as they stuck needles in her arms over and over again trying to figure out the reasons for what was going on. So please, for everyone's sake, do not even try and begin to throw your hackneyed theories at the ones who were there. And Robert I'm not speaking only to you, but to everyone. And a little piece of info for you guys, 9 people have died of the vaccine. Agreed it's less that the virus, but it's still 9. It could have easily been 9 more Wednesday. I'm not a doctor, but I can copy and paste off a website all day telling you this and that, but in the end, how do we know it's the truth? They could be feeding us a bunch of bull crap and we'll never know. But I know one thing is certain, it was not "fake."

SN | 11/6/2009 10:35:00 PM mark as inappropriate
My daughter,was also taking to the hospital from a allergic reaction due to the H1n1 shot and by no means it was a sympathic reaction or fake!!!I dont know who or how someone could come up with such crap...Seriously how do fake shortness a breath,seizures,fever..NO you can't it was all REAL.I watched my daughter suffer through this,and it is scary.As a parent you do what is best for your children.How is this possiable from what has happened not just to my daughter but to all of them.From this I or no one else in my family will ever receive this vaccine.

HH | 11/7/2009 7:34:00 AM mark as inappropriate
According to the fact sheet published by the CDC, these serious reactions should be reported to the Vaccine Advers Event Reporting System (VAERS). You can file this report through the VAERS website at, or by calling 1-800-822-7967.

SWilliams | 11/7/2009 7:46:00 AM mark as inappropriate
An allergic reaction is a dangerous scary situation. Parents should reconsider the vaccine after what happen to these students. Many people have had reactions from the seasonal flu vaccines over the years as well. The seasonal flu vaccine caused dystonia in an NFL cheerleader just a few months ago. She is disabled now and can hardly speak or walk.The CDC first stated children needed two vaccines then they decided on one. Google Dr. Mercola and view his videos about vaccine safety. A strong immune system is the best defense against the flu. Vitamin C and D is being reported to assist in flu prevention. The immune system becomes weakened with each flu vaccination. Everyone has to decide for themselves if they think the vaccine is not only safe but effective. Not many people trust what our government is pushing at this point in time. They have invested 20 billion dollars in the vaccine and 7 billion on advertising promoting the vaccine. Drug companies are the largest lobbyist on Capital Hill. Follow the money you will find the truth. One death is too many no matter if it is from the flu or the vaccine. A death is a death. Especially if it is your child. Prayers are with the children that had a reaction to the vaccine.Google also Alex Jones Prison Planet. Amazing what we do not know about our government. You will be shocked but informed!

SWilliams | 11/7/2009 7:48:00 AM mark as inappropriate
An allergic reaction is a dangerous scary situation. Parents should reconsider the vaccine after what happen to these students. Many people have had reactions from the seasonal flu vaccines over the years as well. The seasonal flu vaccine caused dystonia in an NFL cheerleader just a few months ago. She is disabled now and can hardly speak or walk.The CDC first stated children needed two vaccines then they decided on one. Google Dr. Mercola and view his videos about vaccine safety. A strong immune system is the best defense against the flu. Vitamin C and D is being reported to assist in flu prevention. The immune system becomes weakened with each flu vaccination. Everyone has to decide for themselves if they think the vaccine is not only safe but effective. Not many people trust what our government is pushing at this point in time. They have invested 20 billion dollars in the vaccine and 7 billion on advertising promoting the vaccine. Drug companies are the largest lobbyist on Capital Hill. Follow the money you will find the truth. One death is too many no matter if it is from the flu or the vaccine. A death is a death. Especially if it is your child. Prayers are with the children that had a reaction to the vaccine.Google also Alex Jones Prison Planet. Amazing what we do not know about our government. You will be shocked but informed!

ADC | 11/7/2009 7:48:00 AM mark as inappropriate
I was one of the students that was sent to the emergency room and returned for a second time. It hurts me to see all of these comments about faking and sympathetic reactions while I am at home recovering. I know that I did not voluntarily do those things. Most of the last two days are a blur to me and I can't remember much but I do know it was terrifying to wake up on Thursday and see all the bruises and needle marks in my arms and not know how I got them, and to roll over in my bed and find medical tools that were left by the EMTs. I would understand if the company would say that it was fake in order to save face but not from parents that have children my own age. Now I've heard from several people (even adults-for you speculators) that still have headaches after receiving the shot. I had mine a total of three days ago and I still have not been able to get rid of mine. If that is a side effect when will it leave? Do I have to live with this the rest of my life? Sometimes the pain is tolerable but I never wish to live with this constant pain and fear of the next seizure for the rest of my life.

SWilliams | 11/7/2009 7:49:00 AM mark as inappropriate
An allergic reaction is a dangerous scary situation. Parents should reconsider the vaccine after what happen to these students. Many people have had reactions from the seasonal flu vaccines over the years as well. The seasonal flu vaccine caused dystonia in an NFL cheerleader just a few months ago. She is disabled now and can hardly speak or walk.The CDC first stated children needed two vaccines then they decided on one. Google Dr. Mercola and view his videos about vaccine safety. A strong immune system is the best defense against the flu. Vitamin C and D is being reported to assist in flu prevention. The immune system becomes weakened with each flu vaccination. Everyone has to decide for themselves if they think the vaccine is not only safe but effective. Not many people trust what our government is pushing at this point in time. They have invested 20 billion dollars in the vaccine and 7 billion on advertising promoting the vaccine. Drug companies are the largest lobbyist on Capital Hill. Follow the money you will find the truth. One death is too many no matter if it is from the flu or the vaccine. A death is a death. Especially if it is your child. Prayers are with the children that had a reaction to the vaccine.Google also Alex Jones Prison Planet. Amazing what we do not know about our government. You will be shocked but informed!

sniswonger | 11/7/2009 9:52:00 AM mark as inappropriate
i am one of the students that reciever the H1N1 vaccine at Caledonia High. I had an allergic reaction to the shot and i got sent to the hospital! i had shortness of breath seziure like symptom, as in shaking eyes rolling in the back of my head, i had fever, vomitting, and the nurses and doctors there that were on call told me and my family that i was haveing a allergic reaction to the shot! everyone i seen there inluding the other 2 girls that rode with me in the ambulance were NOT faking at all. the media is just full of bs, they just want to give out positive information of the vaccine to try to manipulate u into getting it. the shot we recieved was Novartis, my youngest brother and sister were suppose to get it also that same day, and now they won recieve it at all. they set another dte to re-give the shot Now. 12. It shoulnt be allowed! so for all of you who say it was "sympathy" or "fake" reactions dont know what you are talking about, bc u simply were not there with us while it wa happening!

Mr. Jordan | 11/7/2009 10:27:00 AM mark as inappropriate

You are correct about the VAERS form on the CDC web site to report adverse reactions. However, the students and parents should have been told about the VAERS report before taking the shot. As it is, the only report going up the chain will be "allergic and sympathetic reactions." Cover up complete.

If you want to see administrator's scramble, ask to buy, for testing, one of the vaccine vials given at Caledonia. No way, no how, will they let those vials be tested by a neutral source. That should tell you what is going on here.

Ask, also, why no one has admitted that seizures occured in some of the students. Why can't the parent's get an honest accounting of what transpired?

Why didn't the Commercial Dispatch reporter pin down school administrators and health officials on reported seizures instead of dutifully reporting what administrators said? Are they reporters, or mere note takers? Again, cover up complete.

As I said on another thread, there is a snake in this woodpile and we ought to find out where it is.

Parent's should be aware that autoimmune disorders (the reason Novartis vaccine's adjuvant, MF59, it unapproved) can take time to show up, long after the culprits have gotten out of town.

Make them answer now.

Mr. Big | 11/7/2009 11:02:00 AM mark as inappropriate

After I got the shot I started whizzing on myself.

Mr. Big | 11/7/2009 11:03:00 AM mark as inappropriate
After I got the shot I started whizzing on myself.

Matthew | 11/7/2009 11:36:00 PM mark as inappropriate
Check out the Washington Post article on senior doctors that do NOT recommending the vaccines: ... %3Dartslot⊂=AR

"The senior doctor there doesn't believe in it and doesn't want it for her patients," Soghomonian said. "I think the feeling was it's just too new."

Soghomonian's doctor is one of a small cadre of outliers who remain skeptical about the government's unprecedented immunization campaign, citing doubts about the risks presented by the H1N1 virus or the safety of the vaccine, despite the fact that no worrisome reactions have been reported.

"My feeling is that this is all being over-hyped," said Laurence J. Murphy, a pediatrician in Burke who also will not inoculate his patients. "Most people who get this virus do beautifully. I believe the vaccine hasn't been tested enough. I just think the benefit of it at this point is not outweighed by the possible risk.

BoneheadMatt | 11/7/2009 11:49:00 PM mark as inappropriate

The WP article also gives the pure facts:

"What bothers me is pretty much every doctor in the country is jumping on the bandwagon and saying, 'This vaccine is completely safe' -- even for the pregnant woman and the unborn baby," said Bob Sears, of Orange County, Calif. "But they can't give you a single study that backs up that statement."

SWilliams | 11/8/2009 8:46:00 AM mark as inappropriate
The vaccine has not been tested for safety or effectiveness. The CDC is guessing. The media pushes what the CDC is encouraging. The government pushes the CDC.There were suppose to be 120 million doses available then only 10% of the 120 million were available. The government reported the shortage when people were voicing their concern over the safety of the vaccine. Amazing! This type of news creates fear and panic.People stood out in cold weather with small children for 5 hours or more to get the vaccine because of fear. I would fear the children would become ill from exposure and being around so many people. Sad to know people will create pani in people to make money. People who are now 100 years old will say common sense goes a long way.

Mr. Jordan | 11/8/2009 10:55:00 AM mark as inappropriate

Three of the top four viewed articles on this web site are on the H1N1 shot in Caledonia, yet Sunday's Dispatch has not one peep about it?

This is a conduit to a national level story, but it is not being covered by this paper or WCBI. If the health and well being of their readers is not a priority, what is?

Why have they not explored just what did happen to the injured student's at Caledonia High School? What alternate agenda has taken over here?

SWilliams | 11/8/2009 2:13:00 PM mark as inappropriate
The reactions experienced by these children should be on the news and in the newspaper.Why would a school or any shot giving venue deny or give a less of account of what actually transpired. MUW nursing students giving the injections would be the best on reactions that took place. Nurses are trained to observe adverse reactions to any medications not just flu vaccinations.The parents should ask the nurses what happened after these students were vaccinated. The public needs to know the severity of the allergic reactions. WCBI shame on you if this is being overlooked as a mild situation. Has the entire US covered up the reactions to the vaccine in order to sell their snake oil to people for profit. Since the administration provided the drug makers with protection from lawsuits if the vaccine injured someone they will not be found liable even if a student had died. Does not make me feel warm and fuzzy when a drug maker does not have to stand behind a medication even if it is harmful. Google NFL cheerleader with dystonia after flu vaccine. Student recently in another state was vaccinated without a parent consent. The student had a reaction. The school wanted the parents to sign a consent form after the fact knowing she had a reaction.

SWilliams | 11/8/2009 4:53:00 PM mark as inappropriate
I have commented many times in reference to this article. One because I am a nurse that has had reactions to certain medications and another because I question the safety of a fast made untested vaccine. I have to comment on what Jill Lester is quoted to say in the article. Ms. Lester you are quoted to say "It was just side effects". Side effects can kill just as quickly as an illness sometimes even faster. Anaphylatic shock an allergic reaction that could stop you from breathing. If not treated asap people die. As a nurse allergic to latex I am wondering if some of the students have an unknown latex allergy that could have caused some of these reactions. The vial that the vaccine was drawn from could have a latex stopper. Worth checking into. All vials should be latex free. People do not know they have a latex allergy until a reaction happens. Side effects are never just side effects. Always consider a side effect a warning that something more severe can happen.

Mr. Jordan | 11/8/2009 8:40:00 PM mark as inappropriate
The government wonders why people are wary of their vaccination program. Caledonia is a perfect example.

The Mississippi State Department of Health and the Commercial Dispatch newspaper have never used the term "seizures" in reporting what happened at Caledonia High, yet individual reports say seizures did happen.

Lowndes County School District Superintendent Mike Halford gave the only appraisal that the adverse reactions were "much more than hives," although he did not elaborate.

Students concerns were waved off by some officials as "sympathetic" reactions when those present said they were far more significant than that.

Parents and students were not advised of the VAERS system to report adverse reactions to the shot prior to taking the shot. It is still uncertain if they have been told of the system by any state or school official. This makes it appear official policy is to deny incidents and prevent reporting of any problems.

As bad as this is, it pales next to the military telling the soldiers IT INJURED with MF59 in the anthrax program that they were imagining their ailments, were faking them, or were sissies for complaining about a shot.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus of Nazareth

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:34 pm 
The Game Master.
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Hannity had two opposing doctors on a week or two ago for the viewpoints of "get the vaccine to protect you" and "don't get the vaccine it hasn't been properly tested clinically."

Savage had a doctor on advocating that people make their own decision and not cow to pressure to get it (though both the doctor and host were leaning towards not getting it in a not-too-subtle way).

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:44 pm 
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If you have questions, I recommend going to a reliable source.

The artciles are really sad, and the level of paranoia over government cover-ups and conspiracies always trouble me. The people in the article believe that the CDC is hiding information and causing hysteria to make money off the vaccine (the CDC does not, nor is it involved in any way with vaccine manufacturing)? So, I suppose I should not be surprised.

Adverse reactions do happen to vaccines. Also contrary to the article comments, I think the parents were informed about the VAERS system, I know it discussed on the paperwork I read and signed before getting my normal flu vaccine (I think it may be required for any vaccine, but I would have to research it). People sign these forms and are asked if they understand them before getting the shots, but I seem to be digressing. More infor about VAERS here if interested:

If you have questions about vaccine safety view this website: ... ety_qa.htm

Which includes:
However, on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. A federal program has been created to help pay for the medical care and other specific expenses of certain persons who have a serious reaction to this vaccine. For more information about this program, call 1-888-275-4772 or visit the program’s website at:

Of course I am assuming that this is for people that will trust the information from the HHS/CDC.

Bottom line information to consider:

The H1N1 strain has much higher attack rates on younger people than seasonal flu
The H1N1 strain has much higher hospitalization rates, especially for younger people than seasonal flu
Parents should consult with their physicians if they have any questions about the safety of their child getting a vaccine and/or risks involved.


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:07 pm 
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Gorse is correct.

Also H1N1 does something that seasonal flu almost never does: it can kill the young and healthy. Not often, but it can. That is why it frightens people in health care.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:21 pm 
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I agree that getting vaccinated is probably wiser than not, and I also think there is too much fear and conspiracy theorizing going on, but do 9 kids all at once get fever, vomiting, and seizures right after getting vaccinated?

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus of Nazareth

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:35 pm 
Deuce Master

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LadyKate wrote:
I agree that getting vaccinated is probably wiser than not, and I also think there is too much fear and conspiracy theorizing going on, but do 9 kids all at once get fever, vomiting, and seizures right after getting vaccinated?

Watching too many Pokemon videos?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:52 pm 
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Vaccines always (well, usually, I suppose -- I guess not all vaccines are live strains) have the chance of infecting you. That's what they do -- try to give you a weaker strain that your body can handle and learn from.

It's just the paranoia surrounding H1N1 that made this news, IMO.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:05 pm 
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There are 2 forms of H1N1 vaccine: Live (nasal spray) and killed (shot). Kids get the live because they usually do not respond well enough to the killed vaccine to get immunity.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:47 pm 
Asian Blonde

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The current shot vaccination for swine flu, which are being used is actually an inactive form of the live virus (aka half dead). This is due to the demand in time and there was not enough time to create a recombinate DNA/RNA virus for vaccination like they usually do for flu shots (aka completely not viable or dead).

This has caused many issues with people taking them, however keep in mind that it is better to take the shot and go to the hospital, than not taking it, getting it, and not going to the hospital thinking it's just a normal flu.

It would be interesting to know of the sample size for these kids, 9 in 200 would be alarming, while i wouldn't worry too much if it was 9 in 1000.

Also I would not advise you to take the vaccination LK, considering the due date, it would probably be better for you to get vaccinated after the birth of your child and pass the immunity along through breast feeding.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:01 pm 
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Lydiaa I was fully prepared to do so, but my doctor told me that it would be against medical advice to get the flu shot right now because he said the shot would not be safe for me and the baby so close to delivery since it still a live virus.
I was really hoping to get the shot and be able to protect both myself and the baby, but that is not to be I guess.
My hope is that after i deliver i can get the shot and at least some immunity will pass through my breast milk to the baby.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus of Nazareth

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:27 pm 
Asian Blonde

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The wonderful thing about the human body is that through breast milk you can pass most if not all your immunity to them (as long as you keep breast feeding).

So get your flu shots or what ever else and feed away. The little bugger will be healthier for it. However once you start running low on mummy shakes, look into getting him? her? vaccinated.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:53 pm 
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Lydiaa wrote:
The wonderful thing about the human body is that through breast milk you can pass most if not all your immunity to them (as long as you keep breast feeding).

So get your flu shots or what ever else and feed away. The little bugger will be healthier for it. However once you start running low on mummy shakes, look into getting him? her? vaccinated.

Thats comforting, thanks! I'm hoping to breastfeed for a full year, at least 6 months if nothing else and at 6 months he will be able to get those shots.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus of Nazareth

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:55 pm 
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Everything I've been told, LK, indicates that the first 6 mo. are the most important for transferring the immunities and such through breastfeeding. I'd imagine that you don't need to be told this, but, be sure to be extra cautious who touches your baby (keeping in mind everyone wants to touch babies).

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:19 pm 
Asian Blonde

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That's actually a common misconception Vin. The mother passes over immunoglobulins to the child, nothing else (no white cells) meaning once the breast feeding stops, that immunity slowly drains away. This is when the immunisation starts and the child starts building it's own infection library so to speak.

Babies are more resiliant than people give them credit for, so dropping them a few times wont hurt (please don't try this at home on purpose). This is also why it is better to get certain things when you're younger than when you're older (mumphes, measels). However in terms of flus, it's best to keep young kids immunised with recombinant dna/rna vaccinations.

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:26 am 
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Lydiaa wrote:
The current shot vaccination for swine flu, which are being used is actually an inactive form of the live virus (aka half dead).

So one could say it is an undead virus? :o

*goes to pick up a shotgun and a ton of ammo*

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 4:11 pm 
the everlasting lurker

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Lydiaa wrote:
<snip>This is when the immunisation starts and the child starts building it's own infection library so to speak.
Babies are more resiliant than people give them credit for, so dropping them a few times wont hurt (please don't try this at home on purpose).

This is why we've fed our 2 kids a spoonful of dirt every day since they started solids. Resilience FTW! And they *do* get used to the gritty taste after a while...

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:00 pm 
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The shot that my company makes is a killed virus, the nasal spray is attenuated.

Medications and vaccinations can cause some side effects. Some don't respond well to them. But to say that this one hasn't been adequately tested is bogus. If this strain of influenza had emerged earlier, it would have been part of the normal seasonal flu vaccine, and no one would have blinked an eye.

The H1N1 vaccine is made the same way as the normal flu vaccine, which has a great safety record overall. It's just a different strain. People are just over-hyping the few instances where there were significant side effects because OMG SWINE FLU VACCINE!!! Such reactions for other vaccinations get almost no media coverage.

When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead?

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 5:19 pm 
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You joke but I'm considering sprinkling dirt in my kids food when I have them.

Go out and fall down and scrape your knee! Thats it. Now go roll around in that moldy leaf pile. Good job.

"...but there exists also in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom." - De Tocqueville

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 9:03 pm 
Asian Blonde

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Kids are pretty good at putting all sorts of weird stuff in their mouthes without the added need to sprinkle stuff in their food.

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:31 am
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Serienya wrote:
The shot that my company makes is a killed virus, the nasal spray is attenuated.

Medications and vaccinations can cause some side effects. Some don't respond well to them. But to say that this one hasn't been adequately tested is bogus. If this strain of influenza had emerged earlier, it would have been part of the normal seasonal flu vaccine, and no one would have blinked an eye.

The H1N1 vaccine is made the same way as the normal flu vaccine, which has a great safety record overall. It's just a different strain. People are just over-hyping the few instances where there were significant side effects because OMG SWINE FLU VACCINE!!! Such reactions for other vaccinations get almost no media coverage.

Hear hear. Vaccines are composed of a lot more than just the inactivated or attenuated virions. You also need a chassis that includes chemicals that preserve the product, extend shelf life, enhance the effectiveness of the vaccine, etc. All of these extra ingredients cause potential allergies and side effects. That being said, if you don't want to get the vaccine, then don't get the vaccine. I'm not doing it, but that's because I'm a young, healthly adult. But the choice is between you and your doctor.

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:43 am 
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Ienan wrote:
Hear hear. Vaccines are composed of a lot more than just the inactivated or attenuated virions. You also need a chassis that includes chemicals that preserve the product, extend shelf life, enhance the effectiveness of the vaccine, etc. All of these extra ingredients cause potential allergies and side effects. That being said, if you don't want to get the vaccine, then don't get the vaccine. I'm not doing it, but that's because I'm a young, healthly adult. But the choice is between you and your doctor.

And, from what I understand, H1N1 vaccines in the US contain no adjuvants. They weren't approved here for the vaccine. And, for those worried about mercury exposure, they have doses without the Hg-containing preservative.

I got the vaccine because my company offered it to those in the high risk categories (they had to get approval by the CDC to have a clinic for employees). Asthma seems to be the underlying medical condition associated most frequently with H1N1-related hospitalization, so even though my asthma is mild, I'm not taking any chances considering that I'm especially prone to respiratory illnesses.

(Now if I could just get over this damn sinus infection!)

When he's underwater does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 11:55 am 
of course

Joined: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:56 am
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I did some searching and did locate some information about the H1N1 vaccine. Of the 42 million already allocated doses (with estimates pushing 85% having been used) there have been less than 2,000 adverse reactions reported (through the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS]) and of those reported, less than 100 considered serious. These numbers are very similar to the number of reports received under similar seasonal influenza vaccine distribution.


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