Rafael wrote:
I know it's easy to demonize what Elmo has saying because it seems so far removed from the principles of our country, but remember this country was founded by a bunch of people who didn't want to pay taxes to a government that no longer served primarily for the protection of their rights and they were so opposed, they actually went to war for it.
They were not angry that they were paying taxes into a government that wasn't doing what they wanted. They were angry that they were paying taxes into a government in which they had no representation. That is a key difference, and one that Elmo entirely misses in his push for a violent overthrow of the democratic process in this country.
No one in this country is entitled to have their subjective political views borne out in the public square. No one. And make no mistake - the anger that Elmo has is not righteous anger over the Objective Truth of our guiding principles. His anger is at a government that isn't doing what he wants it to do.
That makes his mission one of tyranny. He would overthrow the duly elected government of this nation because it isn't behaving how he wants it. Instead of doing the hard work of convincing the people of this country that his ideas are correct, he would rather murder people, shed blood, and in general get his way by the sword. Elmo,
your ideology did not win the election. This is a representative republic. Advocating open violence against politicians that
you subjectively believe have violated their oaths is disgusting. There's no other way to describe it, although "dangerous" and possibly "illegal" come very quickly to mind.
You would take the lives of government officials who are doing what they have been elected to do because they aren't doing what you *want* them to do. It's tyranny. In fact, there is no clearer example of Tyranny that I can think of off the top of my head. This is why Dr. King was infintely more successful at effecting social change than Malcom X ever would have been had he been violent.
Life and death are not so great of concepts that the idea of killing and dying for ideals should be viewed in great awe.
No. I do not revere your fetishism when it comes to violence. You might think that killing and dying for ideals is worthy of great awe in and of itself, but in the end, the actual ideals themselves must also be worthy.
You aren't being oppressed because our country might pass public health care. And if you take someone's life because of that, then you will only be remembered as a petty, murdering thug.
We celebrate those who sacrificed for such a cause; but we understand why the chose to do so.
You would not be celebrated.

It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show