Monte wrote:
So long as you continue to employ them, I will continue to respond to you using them.
In that case you're wasting your time responding to tactics I don't use.. although you apparently don't have any objection to doing so yourself.
No, it's not murder. If a person is lawfully executed it cannot be murder because murder, by definition, is unlawful killing.
Circular logic.
Not at all. Pointing out that a word is ot being used according to its definition is not circular logic at all. Evidently you don't understand circular logic. Read it carefully again on Wikipedia.
So what? That still doesn't make it kidnapping to imprison them in the first place.
Of course not, but we clearly see it as a grave injustice.
We do? When did you start speaking for everyone? I don't. I see it as an unfortunate occurance wherein society should make an effort to make ammends to the person imprisoned because of the actions of some of its members, but it is not an injustice.
So? I believe I made it clear I see no problem there.
So, just to be clear, so long as the state says you are guilty, then you are guilty, weather you did the crime or not. And if it's a capital case, the State has the right to kill you, even if you are innocent. And it's not murder if they do.
Wow, could you possibly make a more obvious strawman? "If the state says you're guilty" you get a trial, appeals, the whole nine yards, in front of a jury and various appeals judges. At what point did I ever advocate throwing out the idea of trials, proof beyond a reasonable doubt, appeals, or anything like that?
It's not the state saying your're guilty that gets you executed, it's the
jury saying you're guilty, tht they're also sure enough you're guilty to impose the death penalty, and then various judges agreeing with them.
What ever happened to "better a thousand guilty men go free..."?
Absolutely nothing, and the saying is "ten guilt men", not a thousand. The saying does not just mean that it's better to allow a guilty man to get off than convict an innocent one, it also acknowledges that there is a limit at which that no longer applies, or no one can ever be held accountable lest we find by some bizzare occurance they are innocent.