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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 8:42 am 
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And yet, saying it doesn't make it true. *shrug*.


It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:17 am 
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Of course not. It's his racist positions and constant fabrication of racism by others in order to keep himself living high on the hog that makes it true.

"Hysterical children shrieking about right-wing anything need to go sit in the corner and be quiet while the adults are talking."

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:49 pm 
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Monte wrote:
And yet, saying it doesn't make it true. *shrug*.

River in Egypt time I guess?

You know whats funny about Jackson? The unabashed arrogance of how he treats others in order to be relevent.

Jackson offered to council Bill Clinton on fidelity. Then was exposed having paid money from his nonprofit to a women (not his wife) that he was nailing. Jackson goes on and on about race and racism, then goes ahead and says this stupid *crap*. Thats why my community sees him as a joke and not a leader. He's the PT Barnum of the black community.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~ John Stuart Mill

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:19 pm 
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Yes, because we all know that saying that anything has to do with race automatically makes you a racist.


It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:49 pm 
Has a plan
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Monte wrote:
Yes, because we all know that saying that anything has to do with race automatically makes you a racist.

I'll remember this next time you are going off on something Rush didn't say. Jackson is a racially motivated bigot in my opinion. I feel his misguided attempts at "equality" are more damaging to me then if he provided a good public example. Unfortunatly he's just another politician and this is his gimmick.

You can't be black and throw the race card every third down.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~ John Stuart Mill

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:29 pm 
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What Rush says he didn't say, and what Rush said, are frequently two different things. I know you very much want to defend him, but he's a racist scumbag, and he always has been.


It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:30 pm 
Evil Bastard™
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Unless I miss my guess, Hannibal is an African American (or Black, whichever he prefers).

Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:33 pm 
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And Corolinth is Jewish. If he popped in and said Mel Gibson wasn't anti-semetic he'd be just as wrong as Hannibal is regarding Rush.


It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:38 pm 
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Khross wrote:

Unless I miss my guess, Hannibal is an African American (or Black, whichever he prefers).

Race means nothing in any discussion. I just wish Jackson would realize that.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~ John Stuart Mill

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:49 pm 
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Hannibal wrote:
Monte wrote:
And yet, saying it doesn't make it true. *shrug*.

River in Egypt time I guess?

You know whats funny about Jackson? The unabashed arrogance of how he treats others in order to be relevent.

Jackson offered to council Bill Clinton on fidelity. Then was exposed having paid money from his nonprofit to a women (not his wife) that he was nailing. Jackson goes on and on about race and racism, then goes ahead and says this stupid *crap*. Thats why my community sees him as a joke and not a leader. He's the PT Barnum of the black community.

If he is the PT barnum of the black community, is Sharpton that creepy carnie show that comes around and run the Tilt o whirl? Then who is the Cirque de solie show of the black community?

"Life isn't divided into genres. It's a horrifying, romantic, tragic, comical, science-fiction cowboy detective novel. You know, with a bit of pornography if you're lucky."
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:49 pm 
Evil Bastard™
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Hannibal wrote:
Khross wrote:

Unless I miss my guess, Hannibal is an African American (or Black, whichever he prefers).
Race means nothing in any discussion. I just wish Jackson would realize that.
Ethnicity is a bit more complex than most people think, truth be told; and, contrary to most opinions, it means a great deal.

Corolinth wrote:
Facism is not a school of thought, it is a racial slur.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:27 pm 
Asian Blonde

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I'd imagine it's more upbringing than ethnicity.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:38 am 
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Hannibal prefers huggiezunkus.

Ok no he doesn't, he prefers a lap full of hot chicks - but barring that...

"...but there exists also in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to attempt to lower the powerful to their own level and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom." - De Tocqueville

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:57 am 
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Uncle Fester wrote:
Then who is the Cirque de soliel show of the black community?

The Congressional Black Caucus.

Holy shitsnacks!

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:52 am 
Grrr... Eat your oatmeal!!
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I still want to know where the Congressional Italian Caucus is; or the Congressional Portuguese Caucus. Or how about the Congressional Brazilian caucus? So who is racist again?

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:08 am 
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Hannibal wrote:
Race means nothing in any discussion. I just wish Jackson would realize that.

Your first sentence is where I object. You are essentially sticking your head in the sand about the very real effect race still has on our society. Keeping mum about it doesn't change *anything*.

Jackson comes from a time when people were being lynched for the color of their skin. He hails from a time when black people could not vote, could not marry white people, and were in very real danger from the government they lived under.

These days, I agree with you - he hasn't changed with the times. He has not realized that as generations pass, race means less and less. But that change did not just happen in a vaccuum. His efforts, and the efforts of many brave activists, produced results that increased our country's tolerance.

The thing is, the work isn't done yet. There are still large swaths of this country that are very much racist. Jackson may, these days, be shooting at ghosts, but that doesn't mean that racism is somehow gone. Nor should we simply not talk about it.

Talking about racism is not racism. Pointing out racism is not racism. Race is a very real part of the human experience, and no amount of denial is going to change that. The only thing - *the only thing* - that will rid us of racism is attacking it head on.


It feels like all the people who want limited government really just want government limited to Republicans.
---The Daily Show

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:04 am 
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The problem is, that Jackson shoots at ghosts, and hits bystanders behind it who have nothing to do with racism.

We need more Bill Cosbys. He's the voice against today's racism, where Jackson and Sharpton haven't changed with the times and the new faces of racism, which are frequently those that look a lot like Sharpton and Jackson themselves -- faces that promote Blacks to the exclusion of others, and do damage to the black community and culture in the process.

"Aaaah! Emotions are weird!" - Amdee
"... Mirrorshades prevent the forces of normalcy from realizing that one is crazed and possibly dangerous. They are the symbol of the sun-staring visionary, the biker, the rocker, the policeman, and similar outlaws." - Bruce Sterling, preface to Mirrorshades

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:33 am 

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Monte wrote:
The only thing - *the only thing* - that will rid us of racism is attacking it head on.

If you really believe that, Monte, you do not understand human nature. What you'll often find is that the attacks do more harm to your cause than good, because it helps create a "See? I'm right." attitude. Confrontation does not change minds. The only thing that will rid us of racism is a changed heart, one individual at a time. You don't change hearts by attacking.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:36 am 
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In my local paper this week their was an article about how a vote of support for gay marriage in NJ was "torpedoed" (papers term) in part because the local black community leaders opposed it. The stated reason for not supporting it was not wanting to tackle any other issue while (paraphrasing) "the issue of racism still is unfinished"

“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general”. - Mark Rippetoe

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:05 pm 
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Monte wrote:
These days, I agree with you - he hasn't changed with the times. He has not realized that as generations pass, race means less and less. But that change did not just happen in a vaccuum. His efforts, and the efforts of many brave activists, produced results that increased our country's tolerance.

I agree with that part.

The only thing - *the only thing* - that will rid us of racism is attacking it head on.

I couldn't disagree more with this. And I have no clue how you can reconcile this idea with what you just posted above. That is insane.

"It's real, grew up in trife life, the times of white lines
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 8:37 pm 
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I think Eric Holder was right when he said there was an " unwillingness to engage in a meaningful discourse on race."

As we've learned here on The Glade, meaningful discourse involves the ability to both communicate your point, AND listen to the other point. However on an issue that is emotionally charged, this almost never happens on the large scale. I can have individual success talking to a person, but if I attempt to bring the message to a group, the discourse shuts down.

I feel we need to drop the idea of "payback" for one. If you could go back in time and get reparations from those who actually committed the crimes, then sure. Blaming people for another persons actions is the first brick in the wall keeping us apart.

Second, each side needs to take responsibility for their community and it's actions. I know I preach this as a cure for many woes, but I feel it is. This isn't a black vs white issue. It's everyone vs everyone, but it seems black vs white gets more press. Not because it's more common, but because it sells the most ad space.

People like Jackson and Sharpton have not evolved in the healing of ALL races. They are financially and politically motivated to keep things turbulant. Until we have leaders on both sides who can put aside their egos to fix the issue, then we will always have this splinter, even if we are healthy in all other aspects of our lives.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~ John Stuart Mill

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:37 pm 
Bru's Sweetie

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Hannibal wrote:
I think Eric Holder was right when he said there was an " unwillingness to engage in a meaningful discourse on race."

As we've learned here on The Glade, meaningful discourse involves the ability to both communicate your point, AND listen to the other point. However on an issue that is emotionally charged, this almost never happens on the large scale. I can have individual success talking to a person, but if I attempt to bring the message to a group, the discourse shuts down.

I feel we need to drop the idea of "payback" for one. If you could go back in time and get reparations from those who actually committed the crimes, then sure. Blaming people for another persons actions is the first brick in the wall keeping us apart.

Second, each side needs to take responsibility for their community and it's actions. I know I preach this as a cure for many woes, but I feel it is. This isn't a black vs white issue. It's everyone vs everyone, but it seems black vs white gets more press. Not because it's more common, but because it sells the most ad space.

People like Jackson and Sharpton have not evolved in the healing of ALL races. They are financially and politically motivated to keep things turbulant. Until we have leaders on both sides who can put aside their egos to fix the issue, then we will always have this splinter, even if we are healthy in all other aspects of our lives.

Hallelujah!! Someone that truly understands!! Agreed wholeheartedly!!

"Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use one!"~ Matthew Quigley

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:21 am 
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Hannibal wrote:
I think Eric Holder was right when he said there was an " unwillingness to engage in a meaningful discourse on race."

It's little wonder why there is no willingness to engage in a discourse. I know that I personally am infinitely more guarded in what I say and project to black people. Holder also mentioned he believes we are a "nation of cowards". Jackson and Sharpton, and people like them, have contributed to the climate of this unwillingness to talk about it while simultaneously ensuring that the nation is constantly reminded that we are somehow unequal and disparate.

“Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general”. - Mark Rippetoe

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:49 am 
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Dash wrote:
Hannibal wrote:
I think Eric Holder was right when he said there was an " unwillingness to engage in a meaningful discourse on race."

It's little wonder why there is no willingness to engage in a discourse. I know that I personally am infinitely more guarded in what I say and project to black people. Holder also mentioned he believes we are a "nation of cowards". Jackson and Sharpton, and people like them, have contributed to the climate of this unwillingness to talk about it while simultaneously ensuring that the nation is constantly reminded that we are somehow unequal and disparate.

Absolutly, which ties into my payback comment. If one wishes to talk openly and honestly about race, then it can't be about the "gotcha" factor. It's the dirty whore defense by Jackson and his like.

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself. ~ John Stuart Mill

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 Post subject: Re: Re:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:20 pm 
Commence Primary Ignition
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Dash wrote:
Hannibal wrote:
I think Eric Holder was right when he said there was an " unwillingness to engage in a meaningful discourse on race."

It's little wonder why there is no willingness to engage in a discourse. I know that I personally am infinitely more guarded in what I say and project to black people. Holder also mentioned he believes we are a "nation of cowards". Jackson and Sharpton, and people like them, have contributed to the climate of this unwillingness to talk about it while simultaneously ensuring that the nation is constantly reminded that we are somehow unequal and disparate.

That's more or less true. There's no meaningful discourse because one side wants to lecture, and when they don't get to, they just resort to screaming.

"Hysterical children shrieking about right-wing anything need to go sit in the corner and be quiet while the adults are talking."

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