Lenas wrote:
Seems to me most pro-lifers are so because of a moral objection to the killing of a child. Is that right? I don't think it's absurd at all to expect most people with that belief to be for banning abortions, saying, "Well they can give it up for adoption in 9 months. A life will be saved." regardless of the reason.
I do, in fact, think that's pretty absurd. Pretty much everyone is against killing children. All of us, however, understand that sometimes children will die in the process of doing other necessary things. This is regrettable and unfortunate, but unavoidable. If it weren't, we could be held hostage to any threat whatsoever to a child.
Presumably, since you appear to be pro-choice, you do not see a fetus as a child. However, I presume you're also against parents simply executing their kids whenever it's convenient, so presumably you do think it becomes a child at some point, right?
Your expectation of pro-life people would be like me demanding that you (and every other pro-choice person) be ok with aborting a baby at any point prior to birth, even when the baby is actually in the process of being delivered and claiming that otherwise you're just drawing an "arbitrary" line and accusing you of inconsistency. What you're doing is, essentially, criticizing the other side for recognizing that the issue is more complex than just "a child being saved." It's not a bad starting point, to make the other side defend its position, but the defense that there may be times when abortion, regrettable though it may be, should be enough for you to accept it and move on in the debate. It hardly demands concession of the entire issue. Simply refusing to accept that defense, however, is just being obstinate.